Syed Akbar Ali is a good friend and mentor
I just wanna share what he wrote bout one of my initiatives for Malaysians and some comments on his post:
MONDAY, APRIL 13, 2009
Creating Heroes : Sheikh Faleigh
By Syed Akbar Ali
There are a thousand reasons why UMNO is losing popularity among the Malays (and everyone else). Many of the reasons can be read here in the many angry comments and replies. They can also be heard in other Blogs, at the Kopitiam and the mamak shops.
And yet there is one more reason too. The UMNO system of largesse and patronage does not allow the creation of independent heroes among the Malays. If you do not have the party’s patronage (meaning if you are not a supporter) then it is most likely that the powers that be may not pay much attention to you. They can also seriously obstruct your forward motion.
Some academic type people were discussing this sometime back and came to agree on this point too. Even in sports, in the badminton associations, football associations and others everything is politicized.
Recall the young man from Penang who swam across the English Channel? He was an UMNO Youth protégé. They took him under their wing. Later he became a Datuk. (Anyone knows where he is now?)
The taxi permits are politicized (who cares about the poor cab drivers or the suffering public). The award of hawkers licenses are politicized. Everything is controlled.
If you don’t stop to kowtow your local party boss, then you are out of the largesse loop. This has become the norm. And this is greatly resented by many many people, especially the young Malays. Hence they are voting for other parties.
The party has to learn (by yesterday) to go out and genuinely help people without expecting anything in return, without checking if someone is a prty supporter or not. It is called selfless public service. Nak sebut altruism pun boleh.
Despite the stranglehold on just about everything in the country, there are numerous people from among the Malays who are able to break through barriers and emerge on top minus the heavy political connections or largesse. One such person is a young man (33 years old) called Sheikh Faleigh. He is listed in the local records as the youngest entrepreneur etc.
Sheikh is into major event management. He is an incorrigible entrepreneur. Tenacious when he latches on to something. I met him many years ago when he was in his twenties and already a successful entrepreneur. It was during a dinner meeting with the then Datuk Bandar of Kuala Lumpur (cant recall which one but also got ‘booted’ out of office).
I remember I had forgotten to bring a pen. Sheikh had a pen and was doodling on a small note book (or so I thought). I asked to borrow his pen to take some notes of the Datuk Bandar’s speech. The boy became visibly uneasy like he really needed to have the pen back. So I gave it back to him and he seemed happy ‘doodling’ again. Later he told me that he needs to constantly write things down, ideas that popped into his head about how to make money, what venture to explore and so on. (In brief never ask to pinjam his pen).
As with all entrepreneurship not all ventures are financially successful. But what marks the usahawan is their tenacity to never let go. They always bounce back, trying this or that, until one day they hit the mother lode.
Not too long ago I introduced Sheikh to a very savvy Chinese tycoon. It was just a short introduction but before I knew it, the young man had convinced the tycoon into doing something with him.
Most recently Sheikh has organized the Putrajaya Hot Air Balloon Fiesta on March 28 and 29. The first of its kind in Malaysia, more than 19 hot air balloon enthusiasts from around the world came to participate. The event turned out to be a resounding success. Over 150,000 people came to the Fiesta including the Yang Di Pertuan Agong’s four young children.
Perhaps for the first time, Putrajaya was filled to the brim with people. The streets became parking lots for the over 150,000 people who came. (I am also glad the event was not held in Kuala Lumpur, which would have caused massive traffic jams and disrupted business for the whole weekend.)
What is significant was that Sheikh organized the whole event without any Government help or assistance from the Ministry of Tourism. He is also not a member of UMNO. Actually he is quite sore at the Ministry of Tourism who did not lend a hand although the Fiesta attracted 150,000 people and helped put Malaysia on the world hot air ballooning map (which apparently has its own crazy followers – just like the F1).
A Google search for the 1st Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2009 registers over 34,000 sites while Yahoo generates 25,600 references. This is tremendous exposure for Malaysia.
Sheikh says there are major Hot Air Balloon Fiestas in Thailand and Phillippines which have been going on for over 10 years. In Thailand the King is the Royal Patron and hosts the event free for the public.
Sheikh wants to make the Hot Air Balloon Fiesta here an annual affair too. Knowing Sheikh he will possibly get Royal Patronage too.
You can see more pictures of the Fiesta here
Ever entrepreneur needs a break. I hope Sheikh Faleigh will take off to the skies (and quite literally too).
Posted by Syed Akbar Ali at 1:58:00 PM
Anonymous said...
As usual, I'm sure there will be some political characters trying to gain some mileage from him.
But Sir, there are many stories like this, and these people are not into politics and don't believe it will help.
Monday, April 13, 2009 2:38:00 PM
Anonymous said...
Finally a Bumiputera that is standing on his two feet without the Government/UMNO help.
I totally salute this man! Keep up the good work! I hope more Bumiputera brothers and sisters like him will step forward.
From a non-Bumiputera.
Monday, April 13, 2009 2:56:00 PM
Anonymous said...
i hope he will become very successful and got paid by the government and putrajaya holding less than 45 days.
Monday, April 13, 2009 3:09:00 PM
flyer168 said...
Dear Syed,
Sheikh Faleigh - Sounds like a great guy.
Just how do you define a "HERO"?
Now that God Almighty has "Enlightened & Empowered" him....
I would like to advise him to "Go Forth" beyond "Malaysian Shores" to "Establish" himself in "their Register Book" as an "International Hot Air Balloon Enthusiast Committee member" on his OWN steam without any "Malaysian Govt & Corporate" Sponsorship....
It is not in the "Money or Sponsorship" rather the "Passion, Honesty & Sincerity" that will attract the "Money".
Money & Accolades will come from ALL sides if one has "Achieved through Passion, the Honourable way".
My salams & best wishes to him.
Cheers bro.
Monday, April 13, 2009 3:10:00 PM
sf said...
waaaaahhhhhh... kembang hidung aku bro:))
sorry bout the 'pen' thing..tak perasan aku... when we talked ...looking at u give me ideas already on the letter to PM what to do....tak sengaja aku minta pen balik...didnt remember this untill i read it in yr blog.... hehehe... but really.... thnx bro...
Monday, April 13, 2009 4:29:00 PM
sf said...
thnx ya all...
i am going Australia to challenge myself doing some biz there.... i find pple there are less judgemental... doing few things...opening up Kelantan Delights restaurant and bistro with a close friend and also to fly Malaysia hot air balloon in the australia circuit promoting the country... Malaysia need to be more creative in promoting our existence and NOT only relying on tourism offices worldwide... One of my ideas to the gov is to but a hot air balloon with malaysia pictures on it and one more a special shape balloon...a shape of our Twin Towers and me n my team will participate in the hot air balloon fiesta in europe,americas n etc... most creative ways to promote the country....and we do not need rm 300mil budget from gov to do this mass creative promotion... thnx guys for the encouraging comments and brother thnx for the cool story on heroes:)
Monday, April 13, 2009 4:36:00 PM
Tok Pendita said...
make the universe our ally and have thoughts of abundance as opposed to scarcity. An entrepreneur thinks of wealth as an infinite pie (melimpah-ruah) - and not joining a scramble for stuff like employees do.
Catatan Tok Pendita
Monday, April 13, 2009 4:39:00 PM
Anonymous said...
I heard your interview with one of the radio station a few months back. You were talking about the balloon thing. You were hit badly once and move office to far away places.
Since your name start with Sheikh, are you having a pure malay/ bumi blood or campuran? I know a mama guy who is a millionaire at about your age. His name starts with Syed.
Maybe mix blood is good for our country's progress. No need political connection, just pure brain and attitude.
Monday, April 13, 2009 10:02:00 PM
flyer168 said...
Syed & SF,
That's the way to go Bro SF....
When you have achieved your International status beyond our shores....
Boy, they will regret allowing their "Window of Opportunity" to go by....
Bet you they will be "Chasing" you with their "Datukship" & it will be your your "Choice" to accept it or tell them to go "Fly Kites!"
Cheers & Good Luck SF.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009 4:50:00 AM
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