Monday, February 16, 2009

SINCERE.... ness or less!

There's always a limit in what ever we do in life....

Is it good to have a limit in terms of helping some one in need???

How far does one go to help some one in need???

What is 'needs' nowadays anyway???

Need to survive?

How sometimes i wish the need to survive is like back in 'old' days where u hunt for your food or plant yr own vegetables and fruits.... make your own house either penthouse (tree house) or a simple bangalow a hut) or the easiest way is to look for an instant house...the cave!

But now... one's need is questionable....

Its all bog down to MONEY!

I wonder will the world be fine without the 'introduction' of money.... a system where all are equal and a survival of one is to his or hers initiative to survive...

But is it all about MONEY?

How about sincerity in life?

No point wonder bout things that already happen... a system that could never be change... a survival of one is based on how much MONEY can one obtained...

So... how to survive in this 'money system' made by men?

My ONE WORD answer to this question is SINCERE!

One can be sincere in helping others with the benefit of others...

These simple formula of the sincerity of helping ONE to benefit OTHERS...

Whether its for a simple one's life.... for a town.... for a state... for a country... or even for the mother earth!

One thing for sure i'll always 'fight' for these simple formula to be a reality as i believe the sincerity of one is stronger than MONEY!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Orang Ulu... taken from che

Dr. Mahathir Mohamad on February 11, 2009 3:05 PM

1. Waktu saya kecik lebih kurang 70 tahun dahulu saya sering jumpa orang ulu (bukan suku kaum Sarawak), tapi orang ulu Kedah.

2. Ada yang terdiri daripada adik-beradik Mak saya. Ada Tok Karin (loghat Kedah - Kaghin), Lebak, Din, Mak Chah, Mak Bedah, Mak Doh. Orang pekan anggap orang ulu ini agak kolot dan lekeh. Mereka jalan kaki, naik perahu untuk ke pekan Alor Setar (Aloq Staq). Tak pakai kasut pun.

3. Bahasa mereka juga lain daripada bahasa kami orang pekan. Sesungguhnya mereka tak tahu apa. Bawak buah sikit, padi huma, beras pulut, sebagai buah tangan. Kadang-kadang mereka tidur di rumah tak perlu katil, hampar tikar sudah cukup.

4. Di sekolah Inggeris ramai juga anak orang ulu belajar bersama saya. Mula kekok sikit tetapi cepat faham dan guna bahasa Inggeris. Nampak tak bodoh sangat orang ulu ini. Kadang-kadang lulusan lebih baik daripada anak orang pekan.

5. Saya ke universiti. Budak Melayu tak ramai. Tapi di antara mereka ada juga anak orang ulu, terutama di Fakulti Sastera. Lulus Bachelor of Arts (B.A. - Sarjana Muda Sastera) mereka sertai Kerajaan, ramai di Kementerian Luar. Jadi second secretary (setiausaha kedua), first secretary (setiausaha pertama) dan kemudian jadi duta.

6. Boleh juga cakap orang putih dengan orang putih, anak orang ulu ni. Boleh berhujah dan bergaya sebagai Pak Duta.

7. Sebenarnya ramai anak orang ulu yang belajar sehingga dapat Phd. (Doktor Falsafah) di universiti luar negara kembali jadi pegawai tinggi Kerajaan.

8. Sekarang anak orang pekan pun susah nak kerja di luar negeri. Tak suka cocktail party kerana segan nak bercakap. Orang asing nak cakap bahasa lain, kerap kali guna bahasa Inggeris. Tetapi ini bukan masalah. Yang jadi masalah di cocktail party orang minum arak. Sebab itu pegawai tak suka pergi cocktail party.

9. Yang suka pergi cocktail party pegawai bukan Melayu. Mereka boleh bergaul dengan orang asing, bercakap dengan mereka bukan main fasih lagi, dan sudah tentu minum arak. Tetapi berguna juga mereka kerana mereka dapat dengar dan faham pendapat duta-duta asing.

10. Nampak sekarang sama saja - anak orang ulu atau anak orang pekan. Dulu kedua-dua boleh, sekarang kedua-dua pun tak boleh.

11. Pada pengalaman saya sejak 70-tahun dahulu, anak orang ulu ada kebolehan, tak kolot, tak lah lekeh sangat. Bila diberi peluang boleh buat. Anak kawan saya, Hassan Nawin (orang ulu dalam kelas saya) jadi pilot Boeing 747. Ada yang jadi doktor, pakar bedah, peguam, duta dan macam-macam lagi.

12. Rupa-rupanya mereka tak begitu lekeh. Janganlah perlekeh orang kampung, orang ulu dan orang luar bandar. Mereka boleh, kalau diberi peluang. Kalau tak percaya, buat kajian. Yang pegang jawatan tinggi, yang cakap bahasa Inggeris macam orang Oxford siapa? Ramai juga orang ulu.

13. Saya sendiri tak mimpi jadi doktor. Zaman saya di sekolah, doktor Melayu yang saya tahu hanya Doktor Arif, Pulau Pinang.

14. Tetapi saya dapat peluang, dapat juga lulus sampai jadi doktor. Kita serba boleh. Tetapi kalau orang sekat peluang saya mana saya nak tahu saya boleh atau tidak.

15. Demikian nasib orang Melayu bandar dan luar bandar. Dulu Mat Salleh (orang putih) anggap orang Melayu bodoh, tak boleh pegang jawatan. Sekarang orang Melayu sendiri anggap Melayu kampung bodoh.

16. Hai lah nasib!

AND my comments was published.. :)

By sharat-s on February 12, 2009 1:39 AM

Assalamualaikum Tun,

Dah lama tak jumpa...last was at my Futurist Forum last August...

Saya sekeluarga Doakan Tun and Tun Dr Siti sihat and happy selalu..

I totally agree with your comment that we cant under estimate 'Orang Kampung' or Orang Ulu!
I have the opportunity to conduct motivation talks di Darull Fallah, Jeli Kelantan beberapa tahun yang lalu and the most recent was at SM Sik Kedah last year...

My fav topic is sharing with them my 'simple life journey' (from 10 yrs old to now) in life and also guide them on their personal goal settings...

When ask what are their ambitions.... all have daring ambitions....surgeons,doctors,engineers, businessman and the famous ambition nowadays is semua orang nak jadi angkasawan!:)

When i gave them simple latihan ... giving them a big piece of mahjong paper and a magic color pen... and i told them to visualize and draw their life when they are 50yrs old... 45yrs old... 40 yrs old... 35 yrs old... 30 yrs old...27 yrs old (backward goal settings)....they need to 'draw' Where there will be, what work will they be doing, what do they have, etc...

Some of this kids (13 - 17 yrs old; some of their parents are very very poor..kerja cari kayu api pun ade) drew at one part of the picture there was a big banglow house with word 'di KL' that have a huge parking garage with atleast 4 members playing and relaxing at the yard.... one part of pic there was KLCC twin tower as a background, orang lidi (themselves) holding a branded mobile phone and a briefcase and a proton perdana car.. parked next to them!
When i ask them to explain one of them said to me "ini saya bang... ini...rumah saya masa saya dah berumur sedikit..45 tahun... saya seorang usahawan yang berjaya... ade rumah besoq dan kereta pun banyoq...ini keluarga saya..isteri saya...anak anak saya dan juga cucu saya yg tengah main di laman rumah....". "Yang ini pulak bang saya masa umur 26-27 tahun dan saya akan bekerja sebagai seorang pengurus dan bekerja di KLCC tower...saya akan ada handphone dan juga kereta perdana" and when i asked him will you help others to achieve these dreams he grandly said "memang la mesti punya".... things like this are best music to my ears and thats why i always accept invitation to speak at all this 'orang kampung' areas so that they to have a chance to be brave in dreaming and visualizing things out from their current limitations...

I live with one principal in life... "Success is when you make some one successfull and rich in his sincerity to make others successfull"... insyAllah life will be calm and meaningfull...

When i was in Sik, Kedah, a teacher shares his initiative to pursuade 'orang ulu' to send their kids to schools... lots of pursuasion done but not many as aspected send their kids as they dont see the importance....

I believe with proper awareness and sincere visits and more 'ceative pursuasions' will encourage more orang ulu to send their kids to schools... u never of these Orang Ulu might lead this country... maybe even better than what we've seen...

i do hope relavant ministries and agencies continue to guide and help them...

Sheikh Faleigh


I came... I saw ... I conquered...

Famous motto of a great emperor....

But that was then...

There are no more world to be conquered....

But there are plenty of issues to be 'conquered' and resolved

Today...NOW....Leaders should have these motto:

I heard.... I studied.... I act, promptly!

Leaders .... may it be a leader of a family, a company, an agency, a ministry or even a country should live with this principal.

Inputs should be heard from all levels and from all angles...

Inputs should be studied and comments on those inputs should come from various resources...

Action Plans should be then implemented and monitored; and

Evaluations should be done and best practices should be then implement.... and the circle continues...

I would like to congratulate President OBAMA for trying to make CHANGES for the betterment of lifes...

"I understand these concerns, but I'm confident that we can do things differently and better...'' As president, he said, he expects "to be judged'' by its success.

This is a statement of a true leader!

BUT i do hope that he cares for the fate of the Palestinians and other countries that genuinely need serious help and do not aspect any commercial gains like the past 'president of the world'

Sincere Initiatives for Genuine Success

I would like to congratulate leaders in MECD and SMIDEC that i see genuinely focused to enhance the operations and survival of 'usahawan' in Malaysia...

I find them to be sincere and 'go the extra mile' in doing their work or in this case their 'responsibilities'... or 'amanah'...

I do hope that the officers that are working with them share the same concern and sincerity and not have a bad mindset of 'what is in it for me' attitude... as this mindset or attitude kills the 'genuine' usahawan...

As i always terms success is when u make some one else successful and rich in his sincerity to help others... now thats is success..insyaAllah...

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

News nowadays....

are we that well... i the country really in great shape? are all Malaysians leaving in harmony? are all Malaysians got enough money for tomorrow work? are all Malaysians got enough money to pay bills? are poverty in this country really on ground zero?

well if not..where s the news on all the above....

what i see in the news for months now....and now at 4am is still bout only politics... one or two bout the economy but mostly politics...

i believe that the quality of newsdesk is a big ? nowadays...

do we forgot how to care? how to be sincere? how to share?

the physically challenged / disabled people are still facing the bloody same problems and have to go through the day to day obstacles in their life ...and what do we do.... politics~

cummon.... we can do better than that...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Malaysia Truly Asia....

I watching the news just now on the news coverage of the Thaipusam celebration....

I might say, i was very happy to see malays, chinese and also foreigners walking about and look happy being there.... no feeling of 'uncomfortableness'... non racist feelings.... all comfortable being Malaysians!

But how far are the rest of Malaysians respecting each others' religion and beliefs???

I think there are so many hypocrite (the big 'H' word) in Malaysia...

Yes..... they are so called respecting other religion or race or belief but amongst themselves they ... well u know...

Will this change? will we change? i know.... lets not answer this now as we all are or we all will eventually be the 'H' word.... unless we respect ourselves....respect each other and trully respect humans of all level...all race...all religion...and all belief!

Me and wife (Indian) was reading one of the local newspapers today and there was an article on mix religion marriage.... one famous couple is Shah Rukh Khan(Islam) and Wife Gouri (Hindu)..

SRK married Gouri on 25 October 1991 for obvious LOVE reasons and understood that respecting each other is the key of ones happiness in life.... They got 2 children Aryan Khan and Suhana.. (i almost name my son Sheikh Faroque Khan..imagine that... his name is Sheikh Sharat Shah)

SRK and Gouri did one thing that impossible to do here in Malaysia... both got married without changing each other's religion... and the marriage was perform in a hindu customs... "Every religion has its own values and i respect it" says SRK.

To respects each others religion SRK puts his Quran and Gouri's hindu deity next to each other and teaches their children to respect all religion and belief in ONE God!

There was a movie "Jodhaa Akbar" based on a true story of the great Mughal emperor that ruled Hindustan, Jalaluddin Mohammad Akbar, and the fiery young Rajput princess, Jodhaa.

Set in the sixteenth century, this epic romance begins as a marriage of alliance between two cultures and religions, for political gain, with King Bharmal of Amer giving his daughter's hand to Emperor Akbar.

When akhbar accepts the marriage proposal, little does he know that in his effort to strengthen his relations with the Rajputs, he would in turn embarking on a new journey - the journey of true love. From the battlefield where the young Jalaluddin was crowned, through the conquest that won him the title of Akbar the Great, to winning the love of the beautiful Jodhaa.

Jodhaa Akbar traces the impressive graph of the mighty emperor and his romance with the defiant princess. With Hirthik Roshan as Akbar and my favourite Aishwarya Rai as Jodhaa... go and get the dvd at your local stores..... :)

Saturday, February 7, 2009

We make history this week!!!

I am very happy this week as we make history today as the 1st 'team' that flies hot air balloon over Putrajaya, Malaysia during our test flights for the timely event, the 1st Putrajaya Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2009 that will be held on the 19 - 22 March 2009 at presint 2, Putrajaya.

Its timely for Malaysia to host such international unique event such as this to lure tourist and to mark a name in the eye of the world!

We still 'alone' financially as we still did not receive any funding whatsoever from the government even though this event will do so much for the country... why? hmmm... too long a story to explain but lets just focus on why Malaysia government should help us...

Reason no. 1: Credible Organisers!

We organising this as a joint venture effort with Malaysian Sport Aviation Federation (MSAF) and AKA Balloon Sdn Bhd

The Malaysian Sports Aviation Federation (MSAF) was formed on 31st May 2003 after discussion between Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technologies (MIGHT) and the Department of Civil Aviation Malaysia (DCA) to be a govern body to all sports aviation activities in Malaysia.

The membership of MSAF is open to all associations, clubs and companies registered in Malaysia who directly or indirectly involve in sports aviation activities.

The MSAF is registered with the Federation Aeronautical Internationale (FAI), the world body for sports aviation activities.

About AKA Balloon:
Aka Balloon Sdn Bhd is Malaysia’s pioneer commercial Hot Air Balloon company operating more than 15 years. Our track record include the New Straits Times Balloon Meet in June 1995, the first ever Penang to Mainland Hot Air Balloon Race, and an appearance at the Langkawi International Air Show.

AKA Balloon has the expertise to operate an aerial promotion programme specific to our client’s needs.

AKA Balloon is not just limited to operating balloons in Malaysia and Asian countries. As part of the Cameron/Thunder & Colt ballooning dealership network, we are able to utilize balloonist from all over the world and also sell customized shape hot air ballons for corporate and/or public organization (Cameron Balloons/Thunder & Colt group, is the largest balloon dealership network in the world)

We have also participated in various international Hot Air Balloon Meets; namely:Pattaya International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta; Philippine Balloon Fiesta ; South Korea Balloon Meet ; Austrian Alps Meet; Bristol Balloon Meet; Bavarian Balloon Meet, Germany.

Reasons No. 2: Value Added Activity in Putrajaya!

Not many activities in Putrajaya!

Being the so-called one of the interesting sites in Malaysia, we should have more and lots more of quality international standards events to add value to the township.

Reason No. 3: Its a Unique and International Standard Event!

This is not just any event that you can compare with any other... ragatta, horses, concerts, etc


Reason No.4: to create avenue for malaysian entrepreneurs!

This kinda of unique event should not be missed by entrepreneurs to promote their product / services....

Imagine yr logo on the hot air balloons.... 2 effect... 1. good visibility 2. psychologically...damn good motivation impact to the entrepreneur himself...or herself:)

Note: MECD got 'program pengiklanan usahawan" some grants...check it out at

Reason No. 5: Too Obvious!

Its unique and great Lah....