Thursday, April 29, 2010

Politic-a-bit: Hulu Selangor by election

I do not like to talk about politics much but after reading so many blogs, news and articles for the past 2 weeks on the election i just need to blog on this issue...

Barisan Nasional won the by-election by a 'majority' of 1,725.

I wonder why almost all keep on using the word 'majority' as the word suppose to use is just 'merely' 1,725 and that's it!

BN got 24,997 votes, the opposition managed to get 23,272 votes. Obviously the Rakyat is still very much 'supporting' the opposition...

The question is WHY BN only won by one thousand plus from a a large constituency of 63,701!

The task force and the leaders of BN must do a FULL study on this as it is very important to NOT just thinking about winning and only provide spur moment of hope to the people... The leaders should start to 'turun padang' every week and listen to the voice of the Rakyat and NOT only turun padang and smile only during elections...

I have a second family in Sik, Kedah... and my 'mom's' house had been a victim of a road development work.. the work was not done well and muds slide goes in her house and mud flood have ruin her furnitures etc... she have lodged complaints to various authority including the state minister's office then but no action been taken... i did ask her why does this happen; and the only thing she could say was the MB do not turun padang and only listen to his advisors in his office only and only been receiving 'good news' from the rakyat and not the real news...

I really hope now since BN have won back Perak, hulu selangor and maybe more constituency >>> please make sure leaders of BN << do not take the Rakyat for granted... be sincere and honest in delivering your job as a leader for the people and not busy being bias

Thursday, April 15, 2010


"Our lives begin to end when we become silent on the things that matter" - Martin Luther King Jr

Dont you just wanna ask him what does he means by that?

Must one die or suffers to make a change in life?

Must one be political to make a change in life?

I sometimes wonder why do people working so hard to be different...

Most of them is geared by EGO so ppl will so call admire them just simply bcoz they are diferent

But one thing that i do not understand is tht why cant leaders make the necessary CHANGES for the benefit of others and not for what they think is right...

I think leaders should start to be a good listener instead of good doers!

This is what make the people keep on disapointed with the government or leaders as they just dont LISTEN! and keep on doing what they or their 'advisors' think is right!

Listen leaders...Listen... then study the issues well with good advices by true genuine advisors... then only react and take actions...followed by evaluations..etc!