Sunday, August 29, 2010

Intention to help others...

i was shock (well not really) to know that 66,000 puteri umno have not registered as a voter!

i wonder how many putera and umno members whom have not registered too!

How about the rest of the party's member under the BN payung...have not registered too?

i am not sparking or triggering anything here but i really want to ask them the main reason or intention or the malay called it NIAT for this people to register themselves in a political party.... either the rulling party or the other party!

if you are not a member of this political party i can understand why u are not a registered voters (various reasons) BUT i think there is NO excuse for this party members to not registered themselves as a just doesnt make sense!

Of coz i can give one oppinion for this 'mystery' is that their NIAT to register as a member in a political party is not a sincere intention and not 100% shared the same objective and mission of the respective party.

I am not a member of any political party.

Even though friends / families / etc have been advising and pursuading me to be a member but i refused!

You do not need to be a member in any organisation to contribute to your community or in other words helping people!


But of coz some did told me that i am naive and not suit to be a bizmen..... hmmm... so much of standing in what u believe in.... some how i think more and more humans just lost their principles in life.

Again i would like to stress the point that u do not have to be a member in any political party to help people!

For more than 15 years i have done my bit of social responsibility in Malaysia. In the near future i will do my best to go beyond borders :) Insya Allah...

By the way check this out

maybe the political parties in Malaysia can learn something from them!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Dream Country

After my discussion with some friends tonite on the future for Malaysia...I decided to make my older post current...

Malaysia needs a change in the way their federal government operates...

MPs who won in elections should continue to serve the people that they represents as they been given the 'people's trust'!

This will ensure that the people or the 'rakyat' will be heard and been taken care off.... indirectly will ensure a good and healthy community hence ensuring a good society and Malaysia will become a good country to live in .... A dream country that the government in sincerely CARE for its people!

On the job for running the 'government' to ensure a good economic growth for Malaysia.... professionals will be given the task to handle this and lead each ministries to achieve its targets...and NOT LEAD BY POLITICIANS... coz its easy to sacked a Minister CEO but its difficult to sacked a minister politician!

The Professionals will be industry experts and shall lead the relevant ministries!

A change is needed for the survival of Malaysia as a whole!

Will this ever be possible?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Religion Talks

I was suppose to go for a buka puasa function today (atleast i tot i was)

But instead i had a long conversation with my dutch friend about religion :)

He is a proud Christian

But of coz growing up in Holland does not much help him to 'embrace' the religion as much as he is now...

He get himself back into the 'light' some many years ago when he came back to Malaysia sometime in 1994... the irony of embracing Christianity in Malaysia to compare in any country huh...(just a figure of speech ya :))

Like most of the time when we will start with business meeting and then family and always end up with our famous 'religion talks' as i think he is trying to 'convert' me into Chritianity :)

Of coz i cant express my full tots in this blog as a friend of mine dah kena 'marked' for doing so so i will be as details asi could...

Like any other Religion talks....either @ starbucks, kopitiam or even at a religious debate talk shows/rally(ie. Ahmad Deedat's famous talks) the discussion would never end with both party have their own sellfish satisfaction on the subject matter!

Why is this?

One of the reason is because we are used to think like how we have been brought up!

Its a simple mindset ...

We would ONLY agree on facts that we are used to known in our life and will only acknowledged the facts that we believe on ... tougue twister eh :)

But that is just being a typical judgemental human beings

Humans like to judge and as much as they try not too they will judge more ...

and i am not just talking bout him and myself...humans generally...

But ofcoz to have a 'healthy' conversation on religion one must be extremely open on one's thought of the subject matter...

Back to me and the dutch guy religion talks:

we suppose to have a quick one hour chat on biz etc and end up with the longest religion talks that we ever had...from a non drink conversation to having a coffee at starbucks to ending up with dinner and both of us were late to go back to our family to have dinner ith them!

Our wives keep on calling us 'waiting' and mine reminded me to pick up my son from his god family house.

i think this was the deepest conversation we ever had and definitely the longest!

but as i said earlier... religion talks never ends with satisfaction but we always feel good talking bout it coz we were both are very open on the topic... but i did leave him with a very deep thoughts on one of the posibilities on the origin and the reason of a religion and the effect on humans and what have happen in this world... that thought i cant share in here :)

at the end of the day...why bother what religion u are in.... stop pondering if u are and just start do something in this world that will benefit others and the people that need yr help either money or time or effort and careness.

start to care...why not.... search for the answer ... what's the purpose of life?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

selamat berpuasa

happy puasa and happy raya 2 :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

GLCs and the 'decision makers'

i am disgusted to read about Malaysian GLCs loosing billions of Rakyat Money in bad ventures....

Who is really behind this low life plan of sellfishness!

Why the PM and the Rulers who have been trusted to lead the Rakyat are not doing anything bout it???

or are they doing something???

well.. if they are doing something bout it they are doing a bad bad job!

Year after year i read more and more facts on GLCs loosing money here and there..

no need to get facts on what i am saying is true or not... just read my bro Syed's blog pun dah cukup!

So now the question is


IF the government sincerely want to implement governance then a team should be form to 'police' the 'crooks'!

so ... when ya?

mark my words the future is NOT good based on this history trends on GLC loosing money here and there... future for gov reserves would not be enough for a BIG ECONOMIC HIT that might come....

We all need to CARE what we are doing now for the sake of our future generations!

We do have our 'decision makers' CARE about the future...

The main problem is that the 'decision makers' are CARING ONLY on their own future and the sake of THIER own future generations only!

doom ...doom..doom!

Malaysia Gov Subsidies CUT PLAN

Been busy so just gonna be a quick brief one!

Why cut subsidy when u can cut operation cost!

It’s a simple common sense to cut something to gain something else…

So why must cut something that the Rakyat been living with so that to gain the ‘contractors’ and the vultures richness that set a high budget for operations?

Of coz some economist and biz thinkers so called have said this move will be good on long run blab la bla…

Wake up la!

I dont have to start about billions lost via GLCs and gov projects!

PAUSE Malaysia….PAUSE….re visit… analyze yr plans!