Sunday, June 28, 2009

Life and/or Death

Have u experience near death?

Have u seen death?

Have u seen people experience near death?

There is no specific answer to all these questions.....

Why im thinking of death?

Why not!

I always notice that humans do not how to face death! nor near death experience...

Are we all affraid to die?

I guess U might be affraid of not knowing where U heading to...

Or do we know where we heading to and then affraid of not knowing how good or bad the situation might be...

Few years ago i almost face death...

I was involved in a 10 car accident in the north south highway... my car spinned and my tyre rim was screecthing on the tar road for miles...

so many things came to my mind in a mili seconds... loves ones, life, biz,etc all at the same time... i just went blank during the whole accident till my car stop itself at the side of the road! 3 cars infront of me and 6 cars behind me coz a massive traffic jam for hours...

But did i really go blank?!... i cant forget one thing....

i was scared!

AS when my mind ponder on somany things at the same time in that mili seconds... i do realise that i have not done enough for the life that GOD have given me...

Whenever u experience a near death situation i guess thats the only time u start to ponder... y are u here?

and i do wonder... why the old ones... affraid of dying... of death...

what else do they have not done>?

not enough?

worried of the loves ones that he or she will leave behind?

or is it just simply affraid of not knowing whats next?

Hell? or heaven?

whos to judge.... GOD?

well i believe so as GOD creates....

whatever the creator creates the creator can destroy!

then again...why create?

the intention to create humans have always been a big question to those who r searching for the 'answers'...

are we not suppose to ask? then why create the ability of humans anxiety to know...

and for those who believe in GOD...

why the worry of not knowing whats next...

will GOD really punish those who do BAD in their life... how BAD is the punishments... how long is the punishments....

what about diferences of belief system....

how one choose ones true belief?

'true' belief....

then again who are we to judge...

so whats the conclusion for all these questions....

there are none!

one have the right to think what to belief...

BUT one also need to think

WHO/WHAT starts the ORIGIN of life

and WHY

close your eyes and pause yr life for a while and think

U might find an answer...

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