Tuesday, June 22, 2010


sometimes i wonder does humans know why they are here in this world?

do we really know???

i mean REALLY! do u know?

is it just to live and let die :)

live and what then what.... work? pay bills? get maried? have kids? fight? argue? get seperated? get divorce? pray? being religious? (what is religious) make money? and more money? being greedy? war? and more war!

the simple answer to Y we are here is ....

SIMPLY to help one and another...

the CREATOR have ceated us in such a perfect manner biologically and physically!

One thing that the CREATOR let us do is to use our brain to live a life in this world..

Unfortunately, humans do not use their brains when comes to caring for each other...

Some how they think tht they need a reason to justify a simple HELP or assistance in any way towards another human being...

Is there a limit if u wanna help some one?

should there be a limit?

Is it really about to justify your reasons to HELP!

well i believe that if u wanna HELP some one there should not be any limit to the level that u wanna help ...

the world is the best place to live...i mean its the only place that we got... unless maybe later in the future where star treck or star wars is a reality :)

unfortunately the humans is the one who spoil the whole thing that the CREATOR have provided to us... i mean witrh war... starvation... fighting over belief system and religion... what more can i say... humans and their need to be right all the time!


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