May GOD/the Creator bless his soul and reace and peace to the dun tenang guy (Allahyarham Datuk Sulaiman Taha) tht have just passed condolences to the family...
I dont know this guy nor i know much about Malaysian Politics BUT i know bout this when i heard in the news that the guy died just yesterday....
The News was showing his family was in tears at the cemetary and there were praying for him BUT the subtitle and the newscaster were talking bout how BN and PKR is ready for a by election or something and getting ready their strategy and statistics to get voters and they will not gonna wait to replace a new candidate asap..
I was disgusted by this!
call me naive but this is just not humane...
Imagine the feeling of the family hearing all this in the news...
Instead of hearing how the nation or BN, etc showing sympathy and a moment of silence or something... the party that the guy working for is already prepapring to replace him immediately bcoz of worry tht the DUn will be taken over by opposition!
pls show some compassion or atleast pls try ... try to act caring towards the feeling of the guy's family!
the guy just died and u talk bout wiining a potical rush!!!!
cummon ...where is the VALUE in people nowadays!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
STOP all the mega billion dollar projects and bridge the gap and CARE for ALL Malaysians

Sinthamani Divine Life Ashram
To all beloved friends, Sinthamani Divine Life Ashram is seeking for your kindness to contribute some foods, clothes and grocery items. There are 31 children (all Indian Malaysian-8 without birth certificate) at the Ashram;youngest being just one month old and oldest 21 yrs (who is now helping there). There are also 4 single mothers and an old folk man age, +70 who had taken shelter there as their home.
Sponsoring a child in need can mean the difference between despair and hope. By providing critical basics like nutritious food, clean water, healthcare, education, and more, you can literally help save a child’s life — and benefit a whole community.
For further enquiry please contact;
MR. Praveendran @ 016-9046358
Sinthamani Divine Life Ashram Rumah Kebajikan(ROC No. 001529609-H)
NO. 112, Block J 50,Lorong 5/160,Kawasan A,
Rumah Panjang,Jinjang Utara,
52000 Kepong KL
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Building or Maintaining?
I was shocked to know that the government wants to build a 100 storey building in KL!
Malaysian government is famous for ‘building’ things.
We built:
Tallest Flag Pole at Dataran Merdeka
Tallest Telecom Tower aka KL Tower
Tallest ‘Twin Towers”
Longest Bridge
Mega Government Administration City – Putrajaya
Mega Malaysian Owned ‘Silicon Valley’ – Cyberjaya
International Standard Air Ports
F1 Circuits
International Standards Stadiums
International Standard Convention Centres
How does these developments generate our economy?
Do we need a 100 storey building?
We also once built:
Zoo Negara
Museum Negara
Primary Schools
Secondary Schools
Hundreds of Thousands of Shop Offices
What is the status of these developments and the maintainance!
Do we need a 100 storey building?
'We' were also once promised:
That there will be no more poverty in this country
We will care for the poor
We will care for the physically challenged community (OKU)
We will Provide the best medication and treatment
We will Provide the best education
There will be Transparency in Business Dealings with Government and Corporates
We will Care. Nurture and Provide Assistance to Entrepreneurs
What is the status of these promises!
Do we need a 100 storey building?
The conclusion is that Malaysia does not need another MEGA project
100 storey building...
Greater KL projects...
Is the Govt ignorant about what to do first? Or do not know what need to CHANGE first then they are just in denial,selfish and corrupt as the obvious is obvious!
Malaysian government is famous for ‘building’ things.
We built:
Tallest Flag Pole at Dataran Merdeka
Tallest Telecom Tower aka KL Tower
Tallest ‘Twin Towers”
Longest Bridge
Mega Government Administration City – Putrajaya
Mega Malaysian Owned ‘Silicon Valley’ – Cyberjaya
International Standard Air Ports
F1 Circuits
International Standards Stadiums
International Standard Convention Centres
How does these developments generate our economy?
Do we need a 100 storey building?
We also once built:
Zoo Negara
Museum Negara
Primary Schools
Secondary Schools
Hundreds of Thousands of Shop Offices
What is the status of these developments and the maintainance!
Do we need a 100 storey building?
'We' were also once promised:
That there will be no more poverty in this country
We will care for the poor
We will care for the physically challenged community (OKU)
We will Provide the best medication and treatment
We will Provide the best education
There will be Transparency in Business Dealings with Government and Corporates
We will Care. Nurture and Provide Assistance to Entrepreneurs
What is the status of these promises!
Do we need a 100 storey building?
The conclusion is that Malaysia does not need another MEGA project
100 storey building...
Greater KL projects...
Is the Govt ignorant about what to do first? Or do not know what need to CHANGE first then they are just in denial,selfish and corrupt as the obvious is obvious!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Malaysia 2010
There are approx. 26 million Malaysians celebrating Malaysia Day for the first time after 53 years of independence...
Congratulation to all Malaysians!
Like any other country that practices 'demo cracy’, a government runs the country and is lead by one trusted man to grow the country to its best future!
Imagine … one man to rule them all
A power that is mightier than a king!
But this man have one problem..
He is obliged to those who votes for him… and that is the Rakyat! (and not his friends in politics that favors him)
He and his team of course got one more BIG problem…
The ‘opposition’ ….
One element that would like to take over the helm of running the country.
Their quest have been getting stronger than ever as they always claim that they can and will do better than the current ‘existing’ government!
The big question is… can they?
Can they be a better government?
Should the Rakyat give them a chance?
Should the current leadership in the rulling party pause for a moment and do the most drastic thing by listening to the heart of the Rakyat and do whats best for the nation and not his peers?
Is what have done enough?
shall he gets new advisors? i think he does!
A big decision to make…
Will Malaysia be a developed nation by 2020
a dream that i think will continue be a dream if no good change is done NOW!
Congratulation to all Malaysians!
Like any other country that practices 'demo cracy’, a government runs the country and is lead by one trusted man to grow the country to its best future!
Imagine … one man to rule them all
A power that is mightier than a king!
But this man have one problem..
He is obliged to those who votes for him… and that is the Rakyat! (and not his friends in politics that favors him)
He and his team of course got one more BIG problem…
The ‘opposition’ ….
One element that would like to take over the helm of running the country.
Their quest have been getting stronger than ever as they always claim that they can and will do better than the current ‘existing’ government!
The big question is… can they?
Can they be a better government?
Should the Rakyat give them a chance?
Should the current leadership in the rulling party pause for a moment and do the most drastic thing by listening to the heart of the Rakyat and do whats best for the nation and not his peers?
Is what have done enough?
shall he gets new advisors? i think he does!
A big decision to make…
Will Malaysia be a developed nation by 2020
a dream that i think will continue be a dream if no good change is done NOW!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Intention to help others...
i was shock (well not really) to know that 66,000 puteri umno have not registered as a voter!
i wonder how many putera and umno members whom have not registered too!
How about the rest of the party's member under the BN payung...have not registered too?
i am not sparking or triggering anything here but i really want to ask them the main reason or intention or the malay called it NIAT for this people to register themselves in a political party.... either the rulling party or the other party!
if you are not a member of this political party i can understand why u are not a registered voters (various reasons) BUT i think there is NO excuse for this party members to not registered themselves as a just doesnt make sense!
Of coz i can give one oppinion for this 'mystery' is that their NIAT to register as a member in a political party is not a sincere intention and not 100% shared the same objective and mission of the respective party.
I am not a member of any political party.
Even though friends / families / etc have been advising and pursuading me to be a member but i refused!
You do not need to be a member in any organisation to contribute to your community or in other words helping people!
But of coz some did told me that i am naive and not suit to be a bizmen..... hmmm... so much of standing in what u believe in.... some how i think more and more humans just lost their principles in life.
Again i would like to stress the point that u do not have to be a member in any political party to help people!
For more than 15 years i have done my bit of social responsibility in Malaysia. In the near future i will do my best to go beyond borders :) Insya Allah...
By the way check this out
maybe the political parties in Malaysia can learn something from them!
i wonder how many putera and umno members whom have not registered too!
How about the rest of the party's member under the BN payung...have not registered too?
i am not sparking or triggering anything here but i really want to ask them the main reason or intention or the malay called it NIAT for this people to register themselves in a political party.... either the rulling party or the other party!
if you are not a member of this political party i can understand why u are not a registered voters (various reasons) BUT i think there is NO excuse for this party members to not registered themselves as a just doesnt make sense!
Of coz i can give one oppinion for this 'mystery' is that their NIAT to register as a member in a political party is not a sincere intention and not 100% shared the same objective and mission of the respective party.
I am not a member of any political party.
Even though friends / families / etc have been advising and pursuading me to be a member but i refused!
You do not need to be a member in any organisation to contribute to your community or in other words helping people!
But of coz some did told me that i am naive and not suit to be a bizmen..... hmmm... so much of standing in what u believe in.... some how i think more and more humans just lost their principles in life.
Again i would like to stress the point that u do not have to be a member in any political party to help people!
For more than 15 years i have done my bit of social responsibility in Malaysia. In the near future i will do my best to go beyond borders :) Insya Allah...
By the way check this out
maybe the political parties in Malaysia can learn something from them!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Dream Country
After my discussion with some friends tonite on the future for Malaysia...I decided to make my older post current...
Malaysia needs a change in the way their federal government operates...
MPs who won in elections should continue to serve the people that they represents as they been given the 'people's trust'!
This will ensure that the people or the 'rakyat' will be heard and been taken care off.... indirectly will ensure a good and healthy community hence ensuring a good society and Malaysia will become a good country to live in .... A dream country that the government in sincerely CARE for its people!
On the job for running the 'government' to ensure a good economic growth for Malaysia.... professionals will be given the task to handle this and lead each ministries to achieve its targets...and NOT LEAD BY POLITICIANS... coz its easy to sacked a Minister CEO but its difficult to sacked a minister politician!
The Professionals will be industry experts and shall lead the relevant ministries!
A change is needed for the survival of Malaysia as a whole!
Will this ever be possible?
Malaysia needs a change in the way their federal government operates...
MPs who won in elections should continue to serve the people that they represents as they been given the 'people's trust'!
This will ensure that the people or the 'rakyat' will be heard and been taken care off.... indirectly will ensure a good and healthy community hence ensuring a good society and Malaysia will become a good country to live in .... A dream country that the government in sincerely CARE for its people!
On the job for running the 'government' to ensure a good economic growth for Malaysia.... professionals will be given the task to handle this and lead each ministries to achieve its targets...and NOT LEAD BY POLITICIANS... coz its easy to sacked a Minister CEO but its difficult to sacked a minister politician!
The Professionals will be industry experts and shall lead the relevant ministries!
A change is needed for the survival of Malaysia as a whole!
Will this ever be possible?
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Religion Talks
I was suppose to go for a buka puasa function today (atleast i tot i was)
But instead i had a long conversation with my dutch friend about religion :)
He is a proud Christian
But of coz growing up in Holland does not much help him to 'embrace' the religion as much as he is now...
He get himself back into the 'light' some many years ago when he came back to Malaysia sometime in 1994... the irony of embracing Christianity in Malaysia to compare in any country huh...(just a figure of speech ya :))
Like most of the time when we will start with business meeting and then family and always end up with our famous 'religion talks' as i think he is trying to 'convert' me into Chritianity :)
Of coz i cant express my full tots in this blog as a friend of mine dah kena 'marked' for doing so so i will be as details asi could...
Like any other Religion talks....either @ starbucks, kopitiam or even at a religious debate talk shows/rally(ie. Ahmad Deedat's famous talks) the discussion would never end with both party have their own sellfish satisfaction on the subject matter!
Why is this?
One of the reason is because we are used to think like how we have been brought up!
Its a simple mindset ...
We would ONLY agree on facts that we are used to known in our life and will only acknowledged the facts that we believe on ... tougue twister eh :)
But that is just being a typical judgemental human beings
Humans like to judge and as much as they try not too they will judge more ...
and i am not just talking bout him and myself...humans generally...
But ofcoz to have a 'healthy' conversation on religion one must be extremely open on one's thought of the subject matter...
Back to me and the dutch guy religion talks:
we suppose to have a quick one hour chat on biz etc and end up with the longest religion talks that we ever had...from a non drink conversation to having a coffee at starbucks to ending up with dinner and both of us were late to go back to our family to have dinner ith them!
Our wives keep on calling us 'waiting' and mine reminded me to pick up my son from his god family house.
i think this was the deepest conversation we ever had and definitely the longest!
but as i said earlier... religion talks never ends with satisfaction but we always feel good talking bout it coz we were both are very open on the topic... but i did leave him with a very deep thoughts on one of the posibilities on the origin and the reason of a religion and the effect on humans and what have happen in this world... that thought i cant share in here :)
at the end of the day...why bother what religion u are in.... stop pondering if u are and just start do something in this world that will benefit others and the people that need yr help either money or time or effort and careness.
start to care...why not.... search for the answer ... what's the purpose of life?
But instead i had a long conversation with my dutch friend about religion :)
He is a proud Christian
But of coz growing up in Holland does not much help him to 'embrace' the religion as much as he is now...
He get himself back into the 'light' some many years ago when he came back to Malaysia sometime in 1994... the irony of embracing Christianity in Malaysia to compare in any country huh...(just a figure of speech ya :))
Like most of the time when we will start with business meeting and then family and always end up with our famous 'religion talks' as i think he is trying to 'convert' me into Chritianity :)
Of coz i cant express my full tots in this blog as a friend of mine dah kena 'marked' for doing so so i will be as details asi could...
Like any other Religion talks....either @ starbucks, kopitiam or even at a religious debate talk shows/rally(ie. Ahmad Deedat's famous talks) the discussion would never end with both party have their own sellfish satisfaction on the subject matter!
Why is this?
One of the reason is because we are used to think like how we have been brought up!
Its a simple mindset ...
We would ONLY agree on facts that we are used to known in our life and will only acknowledged the facts that we believe on ... tougue twister eh :)
But that is just being a typical judgemental human beings
Humans like to judge and as much as they try not too they will judge more ...
and i am not just talking bout him and myself...humans generally...
But ofcoz to have a 'healthy' conversation on religion one must be extremely open on one's thought of the subject matter...
Back to me and the dutch guy religion talks:
we suppose to have a quick one hour chat on biz etc and end up with the longest religion talks that we ever had...from a non drink conversation to having a coffee at starbucks to ending up with dinner and both of us were late to go back to our family to have dinner ith them!
Our wives keep on calling us 'waiting' and mine reminded me to pick up my son from his god family house.
i think this was the deepest conversation we ever had and definitely the longest!
but as i said earlier... religion talks never ends with satisfaction but we always feel good talking bout it coz we were both are very open on the topic... but i did leave him with a very deep thoughts on one of the posibilities on the origin and the reason of a religion and the effect on humans and what have happen in this world... that thought i cant share in here :)
at the end of the day...why bother what religion u are in.... stop pondering if u are and just start do something in this world that will benefit others and the people that need yr help either money or time or effort and careness.
start to care...why not.... search for the answer ... what's the purpose of life?
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
GLCs and the 'decision makers'
i am disgusted to read about Malaysian GLCs loosing billions of Rakyat Money in bad ventures....
Who is really behind this low life plan of sellfishness!
Why the PM and the Rulers who have been trusted to lead the Rakyat are not doing anything bout it???
or are they doing something???
well.. if they are doing something bout it they are doing a bad bad job!
Year after year i read more and more facts on GLCs loosing money here and there..
no need to get facts on what i am saying is true or not... just read my bro Syed's blog pun dah cukup!
So now the question is
IF the government sincerely want to implement governance then a team should be form to 'police' the 'crooks'!
so ... when ya?
mark my words the future is NOT good based on this history trends on GLC loosing money here and there... future for gov reserves would not be enough for a BIG ECONOMIC HIT that might come....
We all need to CARE what we are doing now for the sake of our future generations!
We do have our 'decision makers' CARE about the future...
The main problem is that the 'decision makers' are CARING ONLY on their own future and the sake of THIER own future generations only!
doom ...doom..doom!
Who is really behind this low life plan of sellfishness!
Why the PM and the Rulers who have been trusted to lead the Rakyat are not doing anything bout it???
or are they doing something???
well.. if they are doing something bout it they are doing a bad bad job!
Year after year i read more and more facts on GLCs loosing money here and there..
no need to get facts on what i am saying is true or not... just read my bro Syed's blog pun dah cukup!
So now the question is
IF the government sincerely want to implement governance then a team should be form to 'police' the 'crooks'!
so ... when ya?
mark my words the future is NOT good based on this history trends on GLC loosing money here and there... future for gov reserves would not be enough for a BIG ECONOMIC HIT that might come....
We all need to CARE what we are doing now for the sake of our future generations!
We do have our 'decision makers' CARE about the future...
The main problem is that the 'decision makers' are CARING ONLY on their own future and the sake of THIER own future generations only!
doom ...doom..doom!
Malaysia Gov Subsidies CUT PLAN
Been busy so just gonna be a quick brief one!
Why cut subsidy when u can cut operation cost!
It’s a simple common sense to cut something to gain something else…
So why must cut something that the Rakyat been living with so that to gain the ‘contractors’ and the vultures richness that set a high budget for operations?
Of coz some economist and biz thinkers so called have said this move will be good on long run blab la bla…
Wake up la!
I dont have to start about billions lost via GLCs and gov projects!
PAUSE Malaysia….PAUSE….re visit… analyze yr plans!
Why cut subsidy when u can cut operation cost!
It’s a simple common sense to cut something to gain something else…
So why must cut something that the Rakyat been living with so that to gain the ‘contractors’ and the vultures richness that set a high budget for operations?
Of coz some economist and biz thinkers so called have said this move will be good on long run blab la bla…
Wake up la!
I dont have to start about billions lost via GLCs and gov projects!
PAUSE Malaysia….PAUSE….re visit… analyze yr plans!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
sometimes i wonder does humans know why they are here in this world?
do we really know???
i mean REALLY! do u know?
is it just to live and let die :)
live and what then what.... work? pay bills? get maried? have kids? fight? argue? get seperated? get divorce? pray? being religious? (what is religious) make money? and more money? being greedy? war? and more war!
the simple answer to Y we are here is ....
SIMPLY to help one and another...
the CREATOR have ceated us in such a perfect manner biologically and physically!
One thing that the CREATOR let us do is to use our brain to live a life in this world..
Unfortunately, humans do not use their brains when comes to caring for each other...
Some how they think tht they need a reason to justify a simple HELP or assistance in any way towards another human being...
Is there a limit if u wanna help some one?
should there be a limit?
Is it really about to justify your reasons to HELP!
well i believe that if u wanna HELP some one there should not be any limit to the level that u wanna help ...
the world is the best place to live...i mean its the only place that we got... unless maybe later in the future where star treck or star wars is a reality :)
unfortunately the humans is the one who spoil the whole thing that the CREATOR have provided to us... i mean witrh war... starvation... fighting over belief system and religion... what more can i say... humans and their need to be right all the time!
do we really know???
i mean REALLY! do u know?
is it just to live and let die :)
live and what then what.... work? pay bills? get maried? have kids? fight? argue? get seperated? get divorce? pray? being religious? (what is religious) make money? and more money? being greedy? war? and more war!
the simple answer to Y we are here is ....
SIMPLY to help one and another...
the CREATOR have ceated us in such a perfect manner biologically and physically!
One thing that the CREATOR let us do is to use our brain to live a life in this world..
Unfortunately, humans do not use their brains when comes to caring for each other...
Some how they think tht they need a reason to justify a simple HELP or assistance in any way towards another human being...
Is there a limit if u wanna help some one?
should there be a limit?
Is it really about to justify your reasons to HELP!
well i believe that if u wanna HELP some one there should not be any limit to the level that u wanna help ...
the world is the best place to live...i mean its the only place that we got... unless maybe later in the future where star treck or star wars is a reality :)
unfortunately the humans is the one who spoil the whole thing that the CREATOR have provided to us... i mean witrh war... starvation... fighting over belief system and religion... what more can i say... humans and their need to be right all the time!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Obama: will he loose his international support over Israel's issue?
The whole world was happy (well most of us) when Obama became the President of the United States of America... making him the CEO of the world leaders in making the 'power decisions'....
Of coz since he is in POWER... alot have been done to make america as the best place in the world... and his policies and bills have done good to most americans especially on the health benefits and all ...
Now he needs to continue his 'CHANGE' effort to make not just America as the best country to live in But the whole world should be safe and fair place to live in...
He now need to make an important decision of making a 'CHANGE' for the live of palestinians and making a turn of event of non-supportive of ISRAEL from now on...
I hope he, as the CEO of the world power will make the best decision and make the impossible ... possible!
I also pray that GOD will give him and other world power leaders to take a fair action against Israel and stop the sufferings of the palestinians once and for all!
The whole world is expecting for him to make a 'power decision' on the attack of Israel's raid of a Gaza-bound aid ship
Below is the article from the FT (financial times-middle east)
Of coz since he is in POWER... alot have been done to make america as the best place in the world... and his policies and bills have done good to most americans especially on the health benefits and all ...
Now he needs to continue his 'CHANGE' effort to make not just America as the best country to live in But the whole world should be safe and fair place to live in...
He now need to make an important decision of making a 'CHANGE' for the live of palestinians and making a turn of event of non-supportive of ISRAEL from now on...
I hope he, as the CEO of the world power will make the best decision and make the impossible ... possible!
I also pray that GOD will give him and other world power leaders to take a fair action against Israel and stop the sufferings of the palestinians once and for all!
The whole world is expecting for him to make a 'power decision' on the attack of Israel's raid of a Gaza-bound aid ship
Below is the article from the FT (financial times-middle east)
Israel rejects multinational inquiry
By Vita Bekker in Tel Aviv and Edward Luce in Washington
Published: June 6 2010 13:23 | Last updated: June 6 2010 17:46
Israel on Sunday flatly rejected a proposed international inquiry into its deadly commando raid of a Gaza-bound aid ship last week, in which nine activists were killed.
“Israel has the ability and the right to investigate itself, not to be investigated by any international board,” Michael Oren, Israel’s ambassador to the US, told Fox News Sunday.
“I don’t think the United States would want an international inquiry into its military activities in Afghanistan, for example.”
Mr Oren’s remarks came a day after Ban Ki-moon, the secretary-general of the United Nations, proposed establishing a multi-national probe that would be headed by Geoffrey Palmer, the former prime minister of New Zealand and a maritime law expert, according to Israeli government officials who spoke on condition of anonymity.
The offer called for the committee to include representatives from Israel, the US and Turkey, under whose flag the ship in which most of the violence took place was sailing.
Mr Ban’s offer followed criticism of the Obama administration’s role last week in blunting the UN Security Council’s response to the commando raid. A senior official for the Obama administration told the Financial Times that there were no “serious disagreements” between Israel and the US in their private talks over the composition of the panel.
But the White House official added: “What we are seeking is an Israeli investigation that is credible and transparent and would include an international element.”
Meanwhile, the government of Turkey, which has been at loggerheads with the US over its allegedly one-sided role in the crisis, on Sunday strongly backed Mr Ban’s proposal. “This is not an issue between Turkey and Israel, it is a problem between Israel and international community,” Ahmed Davutoglu, Turkey’s foreign minister, told CNN on Sunday. “It is a problem between Israel and international law”.
Mr Davutoglu added that he was disappointed with America’s role in the last week. “Until now, of course, we were expecting a much more proactive approach [from Mr Obama] in responding to this crisis.”
Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli’s prime minister, told cabinet ministers from his right-wing Likud party on Sunday that “nothing has been finalised or decided so far. We have to make these decisions calmly without the pressure of events,” according to a senior official who took part in the meeting.
In addition, Israel would not agree to a “Goldstone-like” inquiry of the raid, referring to the UN-mandated investigation headed by former South African judge Richard Goldstone into Israel’s three-week onslaught in the Gaza Strip that ended in January 2009. Israel had dismissed the resulting report, which had accused it and Hamas of war crimes, as biased and false.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
sharat's birthday today!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
POVERTY in the almighty MALAYSIA!
just to share an article i read in sin chew:
Although I have in my travels seen abject poverty in such diverse places as Addis Ababa, Dhaka, Dar es Salaam, Kolkata, Mumbai and Manila, I must confess to a feeling of utter revulsion and anger when confronted by stark deprivation in our supposedly well-governed and prosperous Malaysia.
The pockets of rural poverty in the Malay heartlands of Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan and Terengganu are islands of prosperity compared to the scene that churned my stomach and assailed my sense of guilt and outrage when I first ventured into the Iban long houses on the majestic Rejang.
It is not enough that we have robbed them of their ancestral lands and impoverished them in the process, but we also felt constrained to strip them naked of any residual personal dignity that they might still have by introducing policies that have succeeded in reducing them to the fringes of mainstream economic life.
The Orang Asli tribes and the Orang Hulu, the Malays from the interior, have a great deal in common with their Dayak friends. For all we care, they are Malaysia’s forgotten people, but not quite. Whenever an election is underway, be it a by-election or a general election, they find themselves the centre of attention, in great demand by the rich and powerful, all claiming to love and care for them.
Before the day is out, they are the proud possessors of a handful of crisp 50 ringgit notes. Four or five hundred ringgit is a princely sum to them, a king’s ransom, no less, in exchange for their votes. If some of them have become cunning, manipulative supplicants and sacrificed their values for a fistful of ringgit, remember it is we who have corrupted them.
Years of exposure to extreme poverty and unbridled exploitation have rendered many of these once proud and noble people, nature’s gentlemen, inured and insensitive to their own traditional values and value systems. They are reduced to living from hand to mouth, on handouts, from day to day.
What a tragedy to befall a people whose only sin is to trust those sworn to protect their native rights. They are bewildered to find themselves dispossessed, as their land is taken away without as much as “by your leave” for commercial exploitation by the towkay friends of the powerful.
Talking to many of them, the Ibans, I mean, I believe the only way we can restore their pride and dignity is by providing opportunities for regular employment. We are dealing with an ancient people with a distinctive culture. Even those among them whose lives have taken on an urban aspect continue to cling strenuously to their traditional practices. We who are strong have a duty to help the weak by not foisting on the Ibans and others our culture of corruption and other despicable practices.
Some years ago, an Indonesian anti-corruption activist friend of mine visited our country during the 11th general elections, as part of a privately funded election observer mission. His group spent a great deal of time in Sarawak and Sabah and told me that he was shocked by the scale of vote buying.
I was greatly embarrassed by his revelation because at an anti-corruption conference in The Hague at which I was invited to speak and he was a participant some two months earlier, I had said that while vote buying was rampant in party elections, the practice was unknown in general and state elections.
I was unbelievably naïve to believe the Barisan Nasional government propaganda. The scale of vote-buying must have been so massive as to shock my Indonesian anti-corruption fighter, used as he was to living and working in a corruption-infested nation. It is not that easy to shock an Indonesian over a corruption issue. But unlike Malaysia, Indonesia is on the mend as far as fighting corruption is concerned. In Malaysia, on the contrary, it is in indecently robust health.
Malaysia is blessed with rich natural resources and poverty as we have seen in Sabah, Sarawak, Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan and Terengganu can only be explained in terms of governance grounded on corruption and political excesses. When we look at the personal wealth accumulated by Chief Minister Taib of Sarawak at one extremity and the Ibans at the other, one begins to wonder what the future holds for Malaysia. I am not at all sanguine.
The thieving and plundering by those in power must stop because, as history tells us, it is only a matter of time before the forbearance of the long suffering poor takes on an ugly aspect, with consequences too dreadful to contemplate. The Government of Malaysia and the state governments of Sabah and Sarawak in particular can alleviate poverty by governing in the sole interest of the people. Najib’s people first is under close public scrutiny. (By TUNKU ABDUL AZIZ/MySinchew)
MySinchew 2010.05.15
I hope PM can read this article and start the the action now !!!
yes i know that GTP is the solution so to speak but frankly i am not that happy with it as there so many important issues and implementation strategies develop by the team is very much doubtfull!
one of the key factor that they missed out is the 'caringness' of the disabled or wht the gov or the media like to labeled 'OKU'.... In their main pillar of CHANGE or TRANFORMATION they missed this out! duuring the launching of the GTP at sunway hotel few months ago i did point this out to the CEO of the GTP and his officers... ofcoz he told me tahnk you this and that but i still dont see much change have been done... i think an independent audit committee need to look at the GTP implementation process if not it will be just another IDEA goes down the drain coz of bad IMPLEMENTATION!
Although I have in my travels seen abject poverty in such diverse places as Addis Ababa, Dhaka, Dar es Salaam, Kolkata, Mumbai and Manila, I must confess to a feeling of utter revulsion and anger when confronted by stark deprivation in our supposedly well-governed and prosperous Malaysia.
The pockets of rural poverty in the Malay heartlands of Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan and Terengganu are islands of prosperity compared to the scene that churned my stomach and assailed my sense of guilt and outrage when I first ventured into the Iban long houses on the majestic Rejang.
It is not enough that we have robbed them of their ancestral lands and impoverished them in the process, but we also felt constrained to strip them naked of any residual personal dignity that they might still have by introducing policies that have succeeded in reducing them to the fringes of mainstream economic life.
The Orang Asli tribes and the Orang Hulu, the Malays from the interior, have a great deal in common with their Dayak friends. For all we care, they are Malaysia’s forgotten people, but not quite. Whenever an election is underway, be it a by-election or a general election, they find themselves the centre of attention, in great demand by the rich and powerful, all claiming to love and care for them.
Before the day is out, they are the proud possessors of a handful of crisp 50 ringgit notes. Four or five hundred ringgit is a princely sum to them, a king’s ransom, no less, in exchange for their votes. If some of them have become cunning, manipulative supplicants and sacrificed their values for a fistful of ringgit, remember it is we who have corrupted them.
Years of exposure to extreme poverty and unbridled exploitation have rendered many of these once proud and noble people, nature’s gentlemen, inured and insensitive to their own traditional values and value systems. They are reduced to living from hand to mouth, on handouts, from day to day.
What a tragedy to befall a people whose only sin is to trust those sworn to protect their native rights. They are bewildered to find themselves dispossessed, as their land is taken away without as much as “by your leave” for commercial exploitation by the towkay friends of the powerful.
Talking to many of them, the Ibans, I mean, I believe the only way we can restore their pride and dignity is by providing opportunities for regular employment. We are dealing with an ancient people with a distinctive culture. Even those among them whose lives have taken on an urban aspect continue to cling strenuously to their traditional practices. We who are strong have a duty to help the weak by not foisting on the Ibans and others our culture of corruption and other despicable practices.
Some years ago, an Indonesian anti-corruption activist friend of mine visited our country during the 11th general elections, as part of a privately funded election observer mission. His group spent a great deal of time in Sarawak and Sabah and told me that he was shocked by the scale of vote buying.
I was greatly embarrassed by his revelation because at an anti-corruption conference in The Hague at which I was invited to speak and he was a participant some two months earlier, I had said that while vote buying was rampant in party elections, the practice was unknown in general and state elections.
I was unbelievably naïve to believe the Barisan Nasional government propaganda. The scale of vote-buying must have been so massive as to shock my Indonesian anti-corruption fighter, used as he was to living and working in a corruption-infested nation. It is not that easy to shock an Indonesian over a corruption issue. But unlike Malaysia, Indonesia is on the mend as far as fighting corruption is concerned. In Malaysia, on the contrary, it is in indecently robust health.
Malaysia is blessed with rich natural resources and poverty as we have seen in Sabah, Sarawak, Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan and Terengganu can only be explained in terms of governance grounded on corruption and political excesses. When we look at the personal wealth accumulated by Chief Minister Taib of Sarawak at one extremity and the Ibans at the other, one begins to wonder what the future holds for Malaysia. I am not at all sanguine.
The thieving and plundering by those in power must stop because, as history tells us, it is only a matter of time before the forbearance of the long suffering poor takes on an ugly aspect, with consequences too dreadful to contemplate. The Government of Malaysia and the state governments of Sabah and Sarawak in particular can alleviate poverty by governing in the sole interest of the people. Najib’s people first is under close public scrutiny. (By TUNKU ABDUL AZIZ/MySinchew)
MySinchew 2010.05.15
I hope PM can read this article and start the the action now !!!
yes i know that GTP is the solution so to speak but frankly i am not that happy with it as there so many important issues and implementation strategies develop by the team is very much doubtfull!
one of the key factor that they missed out is the 'caringness' of the disabled or wht the gov or the media like to labeled 'OKU'.... In their main pillar of CHANGE or TRANFORMATION they missed this out! duuring the launching of the GTP at sunway hotel few months ago i did point this out to the CEO of the GTP and his officers... ofcoz he told me tahnk you this and that but i still dont see much change have been done... i think an independent audit committee need to look at the GTP implementation process if not it will be just another IDEA goes down the drain coz of bad IMPLEMENTATION!
Sibu: after the by-election
SIBU by election result was a slap to BN leaders...
Opposition received 2942 more votes compared to the 8 March general elections while the Sarawak United People's Party (SUPP) or (BN) received only 691 less votes. DAP was able to win as 70% Chinese voters gave their support to DAP, the party was able to gain its first victory in Sarawak.
Basically Sibu is just one of the district that is poorly develop in Sarawak... in fact there is so many district in Malaysia as a whole tht are desperately need of development and growth.
The Rakyat living in this locations have been waiting for ages for some creative and innovative ideas from the government to develop their homeground so that their livelyhood will become better and they too can be part of the malaysian business eco-system instead of trying their level best to survive in life in their petty daily jobs and business...
BN win in hulu selangor for me is by pure luck as the margin of their victory is very very small! BN's luck ran out in Sibu simply bcoz the Rakyat has spoken! they want a change as for ages they have been waiting for development as even their local issues like floods etc have not been resolved and lots of lifestocks, etc lost whenever big floods occur.
I still believe in BN but i really think that PM should let go a few no result and no sincere heart leaders and replace them with leaders who believe in honesty as a way of life and will develop their nation with the interest of the Rakyat and not his pockets and his ego!
The big question now is ... is it logical for PM to 'locate' these 'saints'?
is it logical for this appointed 'saints' to do their job without 'making money' for themselves so that they can 'buy' their way in and out situations, etc...???
The answer is simple...
Whenever you do things with good heart and good intention (NIAT) anything u do will be blessed by the CREATOR and any obstacle comes in your way...u will have the wisdon to handle it with open mind and with full of calm!
on other note; Sometimes i like to read and get facts from our local chinese newspapers to compare with our english/bm papers :)
below (italic) was taken from
18 may 2010; Pakatan Rakyat (PR) was really annoyed recently. It suffered a defeat in the Hulu Selangor by-election while some of its members withdrew or switched parties, and a PKR Member of Parliament (MP) even revealed corruption in the Selangor-owned Kumpulan Semesta Sdn Bhd (KSSB). Barisan Nasional (BN) had been ridiculing it but the victory in the Sibu by-election this time has greatly boosted its morale.
The victory in the Sibu by-election has an enormous political significance to PR. It shows that PR is still influential and it is not that easy for BN to retrieve the two-thirds majority.
Wong Ho Leng received 2942 more votes compared to the 8 March general elections while the Sarawak United People's Party (SUPP) received only 691 less votes. DAP was able to win because the turnout rate has increased by 3%. As 70% Chinese voters gave their support to DAP, the party was able to gain its first victory in Sarawak.
There are national and local factors for BN's defeat:
1.Chinese voters hope to consolidate the two-party system: As BN is proceeding forward, PR's parliamentary seats have been reduced to 77. The withdrawal of Wangsa Maju MP Wee Choo Keong from PKR before the polling started has caused BN a step closer to the two-thirds majority.
It is believed that some voters voted for PR as they wanted to maintain checks and balances. Interests of the minority will, after all, be better protected under a two-party system.
2.Local factors: Even though Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak had visited Sibu for three times, the "1Malaysia" concept takes time to bring effects and thus, it is unable to offset the impact of local factors.
Sibu has been lack of development in recent years and the flooding problem has not yet been resolved. These are issues concerned by voters.
3.DAP's election strategy is effective: After learning a lesson from the Hulu Selangor by-election, DAP started its election mechanism earlier this time. Under the leadership of party adviser Lim Kit Siang, leaders of all levels were fully mobilised to fight for votes during the election campaign. And their efforts bore fruits.
DAP has become an election expert after experiencing a lot of election battles over all these years, particularly the battle in Tanjung, Penang. DAP's motto of "Sibu for change" has won the hearts of the voters.
In contrast, SUPP's campaign strategy has failed to keep up the pace of voters. Chinese voters have been immune to the Islamic state issue. It is useless to play up the Islamic state issue now.
DAP's victory in the by-election has improved its status in PR as when PR is gradually defeating, it has won the Sibu parliamentary seat and at the same time, it has become the largest component party of PR with 29 parliamentary seats.
The victory in Sibu has also strengthened the cooperation of PR's component parties in Sarawak. It can help them to resolve the conflicts earlier.
However, PR should not conclude based on only a by-election that the 8 March political tsunami has reached Sabah and Sarawak, giving it an opportunity to seize the Sarawak state power, as Sibu is a Chinese constituency but Iban and Melanau voters are still supporting BN.
If PR is unable to spread its message of change to inland areas, BN will still be able to hold tight the state power of Sarawak.
BN won the Hulu Selangor by-election but lost the Sibu by-election. It shows that the BN government still needs to step up the efforts to reform. Particularly, it needs to focus on the implementation of the New economic Model (NEM) and 10th Malaysia Plan to avoid too many of political disputes.
Politics is a long journey and we should not make a conclusion based on only a by-election. Both BN and PR still need to work harder. (By LIM SUE GOAN/ Translated by SOONG PHUI JEE/ Sin Chew Daily)
Opposition received 2942 more votes compared to the 8 March general elections while the Sarawak United People's Party (SUPP) or (BN) received only 691 less votes. DAP was able to win as 70% Chinese voters gave their support to DAP, the party was able to gain its first victory in Sarawak.
Basically Sibu is just one of the district that is poorly develop in Sarawak... in fact there is so many district in Malaysia as a whole tht are desperately need of development and growth.
The Rakyat living in this locations have been waiting for ages for some creative and innovative ideas from the government to develop their homeground so that their livelyhood will become better and they too can be part of the malaysian business eco-system instead of trying their level best to survive in life in their petty daily jobs and business...
BN win in hulu selangor for me is by pure luck as the margin of their victory is very very small! BN's luck ran out in Sibu simply bcoz the Rakyat has spoken! they want a change as for ages they have been waiting for development as even their local issues like floods etc have not been resolved and lots of lifestocks, etc lost whenever big floods occur.
I still believe in BN but i really think that PM should let go a few no result and no sincere heart leaders and replace them with leaders who believe in honesty as a way of life and will develop their nation with the interest of the Rakyat and not his pockets and his ego!
The big question now is ... is it logical for PM to 'locate' these 'saints'?
is it logical for this appointed 'saints' to do their job without 'making money' for themselves so that they can 'buy' their way in and out situations, etc...???
The answer is simple...
Whenever you do things with good heart and good intention (NIAT) anything u do will be blessed by the CREATOR and any obstacle comes in your way...u will have the wisdon to handle it with open mind and with full of calm!
on other note; Sometimes i like to read and get facts from our local chinese newspapers to compare with our english/bm papers :)
below (italic) was taken from
18 may 2010; Pakatan Rakyat (PR) was really annoyed recently. It suffered a defeat in the Hulu Selangor by-election while some of its members withdrew or switched parties, and a PKR Member of Parliament (MP) even revealed corruption in the Selangor-owned Kumpulan Semesta Sdn Bhd (KSSB). Barisan Nasional (BN) had been ridiculing it but the victory in the Sibu by-election this time has greatly boosted its morale.
The victory in the Sibu by-election has an enormous political significance to PR. It shows that PR is still influential and it is not that easy for BN to retrieve the two-thirds majority.
Wong Ho Leng received 2942 more votes compared to the 8 March general elections while the Sarawak United People's Party (SUPP) received only 691 less votes. DAP was able to win because the turnout rate has increased by 3%. As 70% Chinese voters gave their support to DAP, the party was able to gain its first victory in Sarawak.
There are national and local factors for BN's defeat:
1.Chinese voters hope to consolidate the two-party system: As BN is proceeding forward, PR's parliamentary seats have been reduced to 77. The withdrawal of Wangsa Maju MP Wee Choo Keong from PKR before the polling started has caused BN a step closer to the two-thirds majority.
It is believed that some voters voted for PR as they wanted to maintain checks and balances. Interests of the minority will, after all, be better protected under a two-party system.
2.Local factors: Even though Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak had visited Sibu for three times, the "1Malaysia" concept takes time to bring effects and thus, it is unable to offset the impact of local factors.
Sibu has been lack of development in recent years and the flooding problem has not yet been resolved. These are issues concerned by voters.
3.DAP's election strategy is effective: After learning a lesson from the Hulu Selangor by-election, DAP started its election mechanism earlier this time. Under the leadership of party adviser Lim Kit Siang, leaders of all levels were fully mobilised to fight for votes during the election campaign. And their efforts bore fruits.
DAP has become an election expert after experiencing a lot of election battles over all these years, particularly the battle in Tanjung, Penang. DAP's motto of "Sibu for change" has won the hearts of the voters.
In contrast, SUPP's campaign strategy has failed to keep up the pace of voters. Chinese voters have been immune to the Islamic state issue. It is useless to play up the Islamic state issue now.
DAP's victory in the by-election has improved its status in PR as when PR is gradually defeating, it has won the Sibu parliamentary seat and at the same time, it has become the largest component party of PR with 29 parliamentary seats.
The victory in Sibu has also strengthened the cooperation of PR's component parties in Sarawak. It can help them to resolve the conflicts earlier.
However, PR should not conclude based on only a by-election that the 8 March political tsunami has reached Sabah and Sarawak, giving it an opportunity to seize the Sarawak state power, as Sibu is a Chinese constituency but Iban and Melanau voters are still supporting BN.
If PR is unable to spread its message of change to inland areas, BN will still be able to hold tight the state power of Sarawak.
BN won the Hulu Selangor by-election but lost the Sibu by-election. It shows that the BN government still needs to step up the efforts to reform. Particularly, it needs to focus on the implementation of the New economic Model (NEM) and 10th Malaysia Plan to avoid too many of political disputes.
Politics is a long journey and we should not make a conclusion based on only a by-election. Both BN and PR still need to work harder. (By LIM SUE GOAN/ Translated by SOONG PHUI JEE/ Sin Chew Daily)
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Politic-a-bit: Hulu Selangor by election
I do not like to talk about politics much but after reading so many blogs, news and articles for the past 2 weeks on the election i just need to blog on this issue...
Barisan Nasional won the by-election by a 'majority' of 1,725.
I wonder why almost all keep on using the word 'majority' as the word suppose to use is just 'merely' 1,725 and that's it!
BN got 24,997 votes, the opposition managed to get 23,272 votes. Obviously the Rakyat is still very much 'supporting' the opposition...
The question is WHY BN only won by one thousand plus from a a large constituency of 63,701!
The task force and the leaders of BN must do a FULL study on this as it is very important to NOT just thinking about winning and only provide spur moment of hope to the people... The leaders should start to 'turun padang' every week and listen to the voice of the Rakyat and NOT only turun padang and smile only during elections...
I have a second family in Sik, Kedah... and my 'mom's' house had been a victim of a road development work.. the work was not done well and muds slide goes in her house and mud flood have ruin her furnitures etc... she have lodged complaints to various authority including the state minister's office then but no action been taken... i did ask her why does this happen; and the only thing she could say was the MB do not turun padang and only listen to his advisors in his office only and only been receiving 'good news' from the rakyat and not the real news...
I really hope now since BN have won back Perak, hulu selangor and maybe more constituency >>> please make sure leaders of BN << do not take the Rakyat for granted... be sincere and honest in delivering your job as a leader for the people and not busy being bias
Barisan Nasional won the by-election by a 'majority' of 1,725.
I wonder why almost all keep on using the word 'majority' as the word suppose to use is just 'merely' 1,725 and that's it!
BN got 24,997 votes, the opposition managed to get 23,272 votes. Obviously the Rakyat is still very much 'supporting' the opposition...
The question is WHY BN only won by one thousand plus from a a large constituency of 63,701!
The task force and the leaders of BN must do a FULL study on this as it is very important to NOT just thinking about winning and only provide spur moment of hope to the people... The leaders should start to 'turun padang' every week and listen to the voice of the Rakyat and NOT only turun padang and smile only during elections...
I have a second family in Sik, Kedah... and my 'mom's' house had been a victim of a road development work.. the work was not done well and muds slide goes in her house and mud flood have ruin her furnitures etc... she have lodged complaints to various authority including the state minister's office then but no action been taken... i did ask her why does this happen; and the only thing she could say was the MB do not turun padang and only listen to his advisors in his office only and only been receiving 'good news' from the rakyat and not the real news...
I really hope now since BN have won back Perak, hulu selangor and maybe more constituency >>> please make sure leaders of BN << do not take the Rakyat for granted... be sincere and honest in delivering your job as a leader for the people and not busy being bias
Thursday, April 15, 2010
"Our lives begin to end when we become silent on the things that matter" - Martin Luther King Jr
Dont you just wanna ask him what does he means by that?
Must one die or suffers to make a change in life?
Must one be political to make a change in life?
I sometimes wonder why do people working so hard to be different...
Most of them is geared by EGO so ppl will so call admire them just simply bcoz they are diferent
But one thing that i do not understand is tht why cant leaders make the necessary CHANGES for the benefit of others and not for what they think is right...
I think leaders should start to be a good listener instead of good doers!
This is what make the people keep on disapointed with the government or leaders as they just dont LISTEN! and keep on doing what they or their 'advisors' think is right!
Listen leaders...Listen... then study the issues well with good advices by true genuine advisors... then only react and take actions...followed by evaluations..etc!
Dont you just wanna ask him what does he means by that?
Must one die or suffers to make a change in life?
Must one be political to make a change in life?
I sometimes wonder why do people working so hard to be different...
Most of them is geared by EGO so ppl will so call admire them just simply bcoz they are diferent
But one thing that i do not understand is tht why cant leaders make the necessary CHANGES for the benefit of others and not for what they think is right...
I think leaders should start to be a good listener instead of good doers!
This is what make the people keep on disapointed with the government or leaders as they just dont LISTEN! and keep on doing what they or their 'advisors' think is right!
Listen leaders...Listen... then study the issues well with good advices by true genuine advisors... then only react and take actions...followed by evaluations..etc!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
29 march
it was my birthday yesterday...
another year goes by....
i have spent 34 years in this world and 15 years of it in business arena...
ONE life lesson for me...
the person next to you do not think like U
another year goes by....
i have spent 34 years in this world and 15 years of it in business arena...
ONE life lesson for me...
the person next to you do not think like U
Monday, February 22, 2010
A DREAM COUNTRY... malaysia?
Malaysia needs a change in the way their federal government operates...
MPs who won in elections should continue to serve the people that they represents as they been given the 'people's trust'!
This will ensure that the people or the 'rakyat' will be heard and been taken care off.... indirectly will ensure a good and healthy community hence ensuring a good society and Malaysia will become a good country to live in .... A dream country that the government in sincerely CARE for its people!
On the job for running the 'government' to ensure a good economic growth for Malaysia.... professionals will be given the task to handle this and lead each ministries to achieve its targets...and NOT LEAD BY POLITICIANS... coz its easy to sacked a Minister CEO but its difficult to sacked a minister politician!
A change is needed for the survival of Malaysia as a whole!
Will this ever be possible?
MPs who won in elections should continue to serve the people that they represents as they been given the 'people's trust'!
This will ensure that the people or the 'rakyat' will be heard and been taken care off.... indirectly will ensure a good and healthy community hence ensuring a good society and Malaysia will become a good country to live in .... A dream country that the government in sincerely CARE for its people!
On the job for running the 'government' to ensure a good economic growth for Malaysia.... professionals will be given the task to handle this and lead each ministries to achieve its targets...and NOT LEAD BY POLITICIANS... coz its easy to sacked a Minister CEO but its difficult to sacked a minister politician!
A change is needed for the survival of Malaysia as a whole!
Will this ever be possible?
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Busy Year!
2010 is a definite a year for my come back!
Been busy like mad since December...
Will update my blog more regularly now as so many things happen for the past 2 months
and will always look for solutions for the survivor of the SME and the less fortunate in the country!
c ya !
Been busy like mad since December...
Will update my blog more regularly now as so many things happen for the past 2 months
and will always look for solutions for the survivor of the SME and the less fortunate in the country!
c ya !
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
READ La...
One should always read and learn the history of the world...
History of mankind...
and also the history of religion...
In Malaysia, a country where the citizens was originally hindus (long time ago) is one example of their citizens do not have a good understanding of the history of themselves.... The History of the Islam religion and the true meaning of Islam.
When we were young, we do not have any much say about religion but just to listen to our 'religous' educators and to pray and of course to recite the Quran.
I myself finish reciting the Quran 3 times...
Even once i did it in a month during Ramathan...
But then i started 'thinking'.... hey, i dont know what i am reciting....
And i think majority of the malays that claim muslims also do not know the kitab!
this is simply we do not speak Arabic... a small minority of the millions of malays just do not know how to read what more undertsand Arabic words...
I suggest that the gov must really look into the AGAMA class modules in primary or at least in Secondary now as its IMPORTANT for the muslims to know what is inside the Kitab!
With all the things that happening now in this country i really think that all muslim must start to read the content of the kitab and not just reciting it!
Once they understand the true meaning of ISLAM then they will understand that GOD or what i like to call always, the CREATOR wants from us!
so... READ!
History of mankind...
and also the history of religion...
In Malaysia, a country where the citizens was originally hindus (long time ago) is one example of their citizens do not have a good understanding of the history of themselves.... The History of the Islam religion and the true meaning of Islam.
When we were young, we do not have any much say about religion but just to listen to our 'religous' educators and to pray and of course to recite the Quran.
I myself finish reciting the Quran 3 times...
Even once i did it in a month during Ramathan...
But then i started 'thinking'.... hey, i dont know what i am reciting....
And i think majority of the malays that claim muslims also do not know the kitab!
this is simply we do not speak Arabic... a small minority of the millions of malays just do not know how to read what more undertsand Arabic words...
I suggest that the gov must really look into the AGAMA class modules in primary or at least in Secondary now as its IMPORTANT for the muslims to know what is inside the Kitab!
With all the things that happening now in this country i really think that all muslim must start to read the content of the kitab and not just reciting it!
Once they understand the true meaning of ISLAM then they will understand that GOD or what i like to call always, the CREATOR wants from us!
so... READ!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Happy New Year.... Happy?
A Happy New Year is when all humans in this world is happy by simply having a home to live in and good food available to eat!
Nothing much to say as we all know whats is goin on in this world....
Its either we being ignorant or lazy to help others!
This is the link to a good friend's blog
Nothing much to say as we all know whats is goin on in this world....
Its either we being ignorant or lazy to help others!
This is the link to a good friend's blog
Happy New Year!
I would like to wish a good new year 2010 to all
This year.... my main resolution is to make sure justice is done to make Malaysia a dissable friendly nation!
biz wise.... Bahrain here i come!
This year.... my main resolution is to make sure justice is done to make Malaysia a dissable friendly nation!
biz wise.... Bahrain here i come!
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