Malaysia again have make a name in the World...
Sadly, this time its nothing that i can be proud of... infact i am disgusted that the malaysian leaders are not 'stopping' this from hapening!
I mean common 'guys'... whipping a women in public? !!!!!!!!
I hope the United Nation can do something bout this!
If she shoot down a cow during a thaipusam festival i can undertand if humans want to 'whip' the women.... but to whip the mother of 2 IN PUBLIC just bcoz she drink a fucking beer is just not humane anymore....
I think u guys know what im talking about here...
Im just too angry / sad / disgusted to blog about this... below are the details
article from a local newspaper:
Allah will decide my punishment in the hereafter, says Kartika
Ng Suzhen
Thursday, July 23rd, 2009 07:21:00
IN a new twist, part-time model Kartika Sari Dewi Shukarnor, 32, now says she wants her punishment to be carried out quickly and that she will not file an appeal.
Ordered to be whipped six times by the Kuantan Syariah Court, after she had pleaded guilty to consuming beer in public in Cherating, Pahang on July 11, 2007, Bernama reported that Kartika just wanted the ordeal to be over.
"I will accept this punishment, let Allah decide my punishment in the hereafter," said Kartika, who has been residing in Singapore for the last 15 years.
Based on the Syariah Criminal Procedure Enactment 2002, the whipping tool used must be a rotan or small branch that should be not more than 1.22 metres long and not more than 1.25cm thick.
The whipping has to be done using moderate force and the punisher should not raise the hands over the head to avoid injuring the skin. The appointed punisher must be a fair and mature person, During the punishment, the offender must be dressed according to Syariah law.
Male offenders will be whipped while standing whereas female offenders will be in a sitting position when whipping commences.
Whipping would not be done on pregnant offenders and would only be done two months after delivery. It must not hit the face, head, stomach, breast or private parts - only the buttocks.
The offender's health should be checked by government health officers who should also be present during whipping.
The whipping must be done at locations determined by the court or the State government. The whipping punishment is more commonly conducted at the Penor jail in Kuantan, Pahang as the officers there are trained to conduct them.
Earlier, women leaders such as Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil and Titiwangsa Member of Parliament Dr Lo'Lo Datuk Mohd Ghazali had expressed concern over the harsh punishment in relation to the offence.
"Should include all other drinking muslim guys in the hide as well :)"
ReplyDelete"agree with that.
ReplyDeleteand: Hadith - Al-Tirmidhi #2776, Narrated Anas ibn Malik
Allah's Messenger cursed ten people in connection with wine: the wine-presser, the one who has it pressed, the one who drinks it, the one who conveys it, the one to whom it is conveyed, the one who serves it, the one who sells it, the one who benefits from the price paid for it, the one who buys it, and the one for whom it is bought.
that would be alot of caning... let's not go there with this wonderful tolerant nation. salam. : )"
When are these "Shariah" people going to bury their inferiority and insecurity complexes, reread the Qu' ran and move on like true human Muslims... compassionate, forgiving and with respect and dignity for human life....
ReplyDeletethe damage this is doing to Malaysia's (good) reputation and to the already shaky perception of Islam by ' the West' will be hugely damaging and will cost Malaysia and other Islamic nations billions in lost revenue.. and for what? a beer?
well the beer is ruining the society, what does the western say about the alcoholic drink even? drink n drive? wahtever it is, there must b justice, the punishment must be spread to every wrongdoer, despite your status. anyway Mr Bragt, i dont think the canning is as bad as u think it is! u must go there and see first 'how bad' it is...before u can judge on something. As bad as u think Shariah is, the kafir society's life is much worse... if u can realise it.
ReplyDeletePlease take a practising muslim teenager and a non practising one, compare them...which one would u like to be your daughter or your son in your house? isnt it sad or funny that one with high status has to shout to do good stuff whereas in his house himself..its full of sadness and the opposite?
ReplyDeletein this current world, u cant afford to be in the middle, either u r a practising muslim or u r becoming a non...which means u r going towards the other side of the path...that will lead u to..u know where if u read Quran.
ReplyDeleteprays May Allah guide us to His Right Path...Amin!!
ReplyDeletealso prays that He will guide us to His Right Path. (btw, i am not saying that drinking alcohol is a good thing) thanks for sharing your thoughts.
ReplyDeleteA sin was created when she took the first sip...her sin against Allah and no one else (well except her husband if he HAS forbade is as well).
ReplyDeleteNow as the tide turn in the favor of Kartika...with the deferment of the sentence and global acknowledgment that she was willing to accept it... this has created far more sins as many were speculating on all angles.. be it the Syariah court, The government of Malaysia, the parties involved...
Needless to say that this is has created a Tsunami (if I may) of preceding sins... and this cannot be good for anyone.
Yes the pro hudud lawmakers were happy initially, then they got a slap in the face by the Fed saying that... there's room for appeal...we have no way to discharge this punishment nor do we have the expertise.. this will go down in history as one of those awkward moments when the administration does not see eye to eye on certain issues.
Yes it was wrong of her to drink.. and yes it was well within the jurisdiction of the syariah courts to impose sentence and fines to that respect. What's needed is transparency, equality and balanced judgment, Lest the authorities want to scour the bottom of the barrel and eke out similar punishments to ALL who drinks in public (just go to photos on Face book and you;ll find plenty of PROOF in pictures)and mete it our as equally as the treatment accorded to Kartika.
The operational word here is Individual right.. the right to sin if that person sees it fit for him or herself. Why don't you flog those who do not pray on Friday... or those exposing the aurat as they do in Mecca...
Being moderate has helped this country grow so that we may enjoy the spoils of ours and our forefather's hard earned labour. Be just and be equal in conduct and consistent in action to ensure that we will still have a semblance of Malaysia as our forefathers and ourselves envision. Selamat Hari Merdeka
Jeffzaiham, I completely agree on being just and equal, and to do so, women would have to be caned exactly in the same manner as men, being stripped completely naked, tied to a frame and being lashed with maximum force across the buttocks causing flesh tearing wounds and permanent scarring of the woman's buttocks. While I do not think such punishments should be used for drinking or other minor offenses, It is very much necessary in cases of violent crime committed by women, and their can be no justice or equality without doing so.
ReplyDeleteWith the expansions Malaysia has made in its corporal punishment laws in recent years, I would hope the Malaysians would ignore the so called feminists who want only class protection and special treatment for their kind, and start imposing equal punishments for the same crimes as men. -- A.W.