Last saturday i went into d' JUNGLE for the first time!
A city sleeeeeekkker like myself no NUTS bout the jungle what more driving into the mud, climbing hillslop and crossing river!
but i did just all that!:)
further more i drove my SORENTO with normal ONROAD tyres!
This crazy idea going into the Jungle is to understand the whole 4x4 thingy and to support my 4X4 team....
YUP ... i set up another division to explore the 4X4 Industry... I 'reactivate' my 1st company that i set up in 1994 for this project... "X4" is now a division of Power Mind Consultancy Sdn Bhd and my partner and CEO of the Company is Jeff Zaiham (i will 'blog' bout him soon enough)!
x4 first task was organising a trip for me and a few of my friends to evaluate x4's "X4 Weekend Xcape: Xplore Ulu Slim" program...
....back to my 'adventure'...
We assemble at KL Sentral last saturday at 8am... (Juhaidi and Syed ofcoz were there early...ehhem... on time but i was late! )
We makan first then 'rolling' @ approx 8.45am...
Three 4WD... Jeff the Commander is driving the JeeP ; me they call me LINCAT (a hybrid of lintah and pacat) driving a SorentO and Zali driving a Monster JeeP (pic)! The 'cargo' : Syed , Juhaidi, Richard, Fizrul (my younger brother) and Rina (Zali's fiancee)
We convoy to ulu slim using the Plus highway....
There was a Ferarri Team convoy too at the highway..zzooming away...think bout atleast 13 ferraris... dont think they re going to the Jungle..Duh!
We took the Behrang exit and stop at the small old town of Kampung Ulu Slim... Its a very small old town... i mean its a 10 small one storey of shops facing each other on a not too long a road... ata the end of that short road stand a small 'restaurant'; owned by Pak Atan..
Pak Atan is a very humble old man with tough fit body... macam komando! He explained the history of the town as the town is more than 100 years old. He also told us that next to his shop is a chinese barber shop that has been operating since the birth of the town and now passed down to the son that is also damn old:) the uniqueness of the barber is that he will take more than an hour to complete a haircut and only charge RM5 to his customers... how he survive the month?.... he cuts his own hair and not at a hair salloon in KLCC!
While waiting for our 'simple lunch' to be served there was a group of 4 more 4WD big pajeros arrive and parked infront of the shop...there were Jeff's friends and they too going at the same camping site...
The first thing they ask was "Siapa punya Sorento tu?" (who's sorento is that) ... the 'guys' tone of voice is almost a tease yet confuse on what the f_ck a sorento doing here and what the H_ll the driver is thinking to drive the sorento up into the jungle! further more with ONLY a normal on road tyres!!! :) ofcoz all fingers pointing at me and Jeff starts to introduce them one by one to me and the 'cargo' too...
After our early lunch (approx 1130pm) we continue our convoy ... we stop at the hot springs nearby and all of us try to 'boiled' eggs by slowly putting the eggs onto the small rocky pool of the hot springs... all enjoyed ourself ofcoz right after syed almost fell into the big 'hot pool' and richard 'half boiled' eggs broke INSIDE his pockets:))
Approx 12pm we went 'IN'!
My heart starts beating fast when jeff radio me and ask me to engage to my 4WD Low gear...
I might say that i am almost ready to get scratches on my car or some shit things to happen:)
The route is getting tougher and rougher by the minute!
its not a light terrain as what Jeff have told me... its actually a medium terrain route where they are muddy and hillslops to climb and also rocky river crossings ahead! I was just focusing on the route and instructions especially when i got stuck at the hill slop! thanks syed,juhaidi and ofcoz Zali and the echo of Jeff on the radio...thnx guys! (fizrul just pissing in his pants n pray to god dont kill him today:)) (i will upload more pics and video soon)
When we almost reach the camo site, we stop at a small Orang Asli settlement and joined y the 'other 4x4 guys' ... After just saying 'hi' to the head of the settlement he all continue convoy to the site that was not far from the settlement...
I got woried when i hear a big strong current of the 2 rivers ahead as we need to cross the river to get at the camp site:p Jeff crossed the river like an expert... well ofcoz..he founded the camp site and been there almost 50 times..grrr... Jeff step out fromn the his Jeep and signalling me to cross over... i was telling Juhaidi, syed and Fizrul... my mechanics will tell me to change everything when i got back to KL...
Slowly i let my car slide into the river and then 'GONG' ... i hit a rock and i keep pressing the power and puff the car lift and crosssed the river... man i felt like i just got my 'akil baligh'! (will upload video soon)
After i crossed the by one of the 4x4 guys crossed and all step down and congratulating me for crossing the river well... very good for a first timer... (kembang hidung aku):)
The rest of the trip is just great... details of the trip will be shared via my pictograph

syed tengah rajin...

syed tengah menunjuk...

Zali memotong...

syed's hand blister after not blogging:)

Juhaidi BBQ ala Kelantan Delights (sebelum masak dia buat salad... with petai and potato chips and thousand island)

Syed also wanna be a chef... (ade assistant cook lagi)

Op api hilang...hehehe :)

all busy eating... bbq ala kelantan delights really 'sedap' with a touch of Jeff marinate chicken and his 'creative serai' (lalang)

But Juhaidi is still bbq-ing... rajin rajin! (semua rajin dalam hutan)

After Makan session: talk and kelantan delight painful massage!

Pain in the Jungle: only Syed volunteer:))

Next Morning: Zali getting prepared...

All Set! Ready to go up hill...

Stop for some scenic view...

Syed just finish meditating...

Me with the Orang Asli's Kids

Back from the hill... Zali is crossing the river that i crossed with my sorento:)

End of trip: Zali's Jeep mandi lumpur
more pics and video coming soon...