Thursday, July 30, 2009

Malaysia... Stop Going Ahead..BUT PAUSE and THINK 1ST!

Malaysia is a country of great potentials...

Malaysia needs NEW industries...

Malaysia needs NEW contents...

Malaysia needs NEW profile...

Malaysians need to work together as ONE to implement this NEW ideas!


New to Malaysia BUT old to developed countries!

Malaysian Gov need to open their mindset and start concentrating on what industries that NEED to be nurtured now that will bring trillions of dollars to Malaysia in 20 years time...

AS usual ... u can rely on me to do 'something about it'...

will share soon:)

Thursday, July 23, 2009

medical gods

about 2 months ago my father in law was admitted into Pantai Medical, a private hospital runs by a group of bizmen from singapore...

after 7 days of no response from the 'experts', finally they diagnosed him and advice us that father had a stone in bladder and need to also undergo a small operation to his prostate...

he became more worse after the operation as he starts to urinate blood non stop... even that the 'experts' or medical god said that he is fine and discharged him and slap us with a RM35k bill!

And when we call the expert or the medical God ... he will shout and yell and was being very rude by telling that he is busy and he have cured the father and dont disturb him anymore or just come as outpatient and we have to pay him more!

father in law could still walk but in a very slow pace and still urinate blood for weeks till we admit him in University Hospital as we were not satisfied with the way the 'experts' treated us in the hospital that runs by bunch of bizmen.

we cant complaint much with the service in UH as we tot we cant do that since its a 'government hospital' ... but what i can say is that... bad bad service and there is no care or sincerity in 'caring' for the sicklings...

on the second thought..why cant we expect a good service... infact becoz its a gov hospital the nation's hospital should be an example and provide the best medical care...

(ofcoz u can provide comments and do that straight to the MoH)

what i learnt is that in gov hospital u got to wait for the medical gods and goddes to come for a 'visit run' and worse there is no specific time when this gods will do it... and we should forget bout daily chores and just wait whole day for this gods to show up while they re running from one sickling to another (by numbers and turns)...

as we not satisfied we transfered him to UH Private Wing and we got better 'treatment' .... where i believe the 'repayment system' (sacrifice) to the gods is some how more lucrative!

we got the 'treatment' but only in terms of service... theres no answer to what my father in law is becoming more sick then ever...

family decided after 2 weeks no answers from the medical gods...the family took him back home...

and got slap with a RM10k bill!

father's health was going from bad to very very bad in just matter of days...and a week later admit him back to hospital..this time its damansara specialist hospital... where we hope the medical gods there will find an answer to his sickness...

just after few days they transfered him to ICU as he have some breathing problem...but frankly its just his phlem clog as he was bed ridden for more than 2 month...

there is one nite when i was having a 'VIP Dinner' oustation... my wife was calling me and crying saying tht the medical god told her that the father would not survive the night! (this was 3.5 weeks ago...he is still breathing now)

i rush back to kl that nite itself and when i reach the hospital early early in morning..maybe around 3am... it was a nothing really...father was stable..he just need further care as the 'gods' and his assistance should just give father extra care to vacum out the phlem and sliver...

but for the medical god to even think of making a statement that father would not survive the nite is just not humane... especially to my wife who love the father so so much and now have gone very thin crying almost every nite for the past 2 months...

father health is just getting worse and finally after 2 weeks in the icu (rm3k a nite) the med gods keep on pastering to do a trekeostomy as it will ease the breathing... but they never told us the hidden cost... ie life support machine that cost 6k per nite and worse not sure how many nites he would be on it...

when we say that we want to transfer father to GH the medical gods again make another stunt by making a statement father wont be long in this world... in a way convincing us to just maintained him in their ICU...

They keep on making excuses that they cant get a bed for father in GH... of coz i cant take the nonsense from them and i start to 'throw' some names that ive make the calls to and i put them in a corner where they have to get the bed or 'else'

knowing the fact that they just thinking bout money i make some 'calls' and arrange for father to be transfered to general hospital and manage to get him a bed at the neuro icu in General Hospital....

Ofcoz i went to GH myself to get this done!

i have to say the service in GH is good especially at the information and enquiry room located next to the emergency area...

Father was brought to GH in an ambulance that we manage to arrange and pay RM300 from the blood sucking hospital

the bill....more than RM50k! and if we to do the trekky and icu for another week bill would come up to RM100k or more!

my wife was experiencing her 1st being in an ambulance by herself and worry that the father will get panic as he is at that stage in a semi koma...

Once arrive father was ruch to neuro icu and we was stable... alhamdulillah... syukur!

Now he is there for almost 2 weeks.. atleast in GH the medical god that attending to father is a good sincere doctor and she is only looking for answers and done test after test...sincerely!

and the trekky was done and no such life support machine was required after the surgery like what the d specialist claims!

last saturday father received a ministrial visit... i guess the whole VIP staff of GH were there and ofcoz we received more 'information' on what they are doing and what they will do to find answers and solutions for father...

how we wish father was not on semi koma and say tq to him

today he is still stable and we re doing what ever things possible for his recovery...

my wife even starts her emails to prof in california asking and seeking for answers as she thinks that she could help the medical doctors in GH to open their minds to other practitioners oppinions...

lets all pray for father's health and hope for a fast recovery...

and i have a long report to submit to the minister of health...

will keep u updated on fathers condition n with regards to my report... i guess it might be confidential...

it might be 'NOT' ...

Monday, July 13, 2009

Good Service and Neon Lights

i was in Ipoh last week and it have been almost 10 years since ive stayed in Casuarina Hotel Ipoh...

Me, jeff and zali drove and only manage to leave kl at 1130pm... when we reach Ipoh exit we just follow the 'guy instict' and follow the force and jeff refuse to ask for direction ... ego is one thing but his inlaw is from Perak:) so more pressure for himself to find the hotel...

We went arround and arround and use all the 'fimiliar' road to Jeff and ofcoz i also try to use my force in trying to get to the hotel...

Finally we spot 2 patrol car parked infront of the 7 11 (buying top up and power root i guess)

I wind down my window ask politely for directions... one of the officer is so so nice to request help from the other patrol car (i guess they have bought their top ups and power root) to escort us to the hotel... mind u we were just driving a waja...and not X5 or some luxury car...

The patrol car escorted us all the way to the hotel with the beacon light i wish with sirens but i guess its not appropriate ... its 230am...

when they showed us the hotel we were all hitting our head as we have passed this building before ... in fact it was the first road tht we took (i guess Jeff force serve him good...but not his eyes)... what makes us passed the building was bcoz the hotel signboard...neon lights was not on..or maybe there was no neon lights.... and 10 years ago there is no UMNO building next to casuarina hotel was an empty land (thats why i tot its just another office building next to UMNO's (maybe PKR Perak HQ:))

We checked in at 315am and the next morning we cant stop talking bout the good service of the police force in Ipoh.... syabas!

and comes to casuarina not having its neon lights...shame on U